The scope of 0.7 has not changed, but we have a lot of enhancements yet 
to do to 0.6, IMO.  One major thing is the discovery and installation of 
extensions, half of which I wrote at RailsConf.

Asset management is an issue that I think everyone wants a different 
solution for.  I primarily wanted to be able to put images in my blog 
posts and I liked the interface John had mocked up, so I emulated it 
with page_attachments.  Gallery takes a more asset-focused approach and 
makes it easy to display lots of images.  It's also pretty easy to 
roll-your-own.  There's power and flexibility in the diversity of 
approaches here, and I don't think we've reached the 'standardization' 
stage.  In fact, in some ways I hope we never reach that -- it could 
mean a hugely bloated piece of software.  And there are better software 
out there for asset management than any extension in Radiant could achieve.

My $0.02.


Keith Bingman wrote:
> What are the core plans for a new image manager? I have one I wrote,  
> there is Sean's and then the Gallery extension, but it seems like  
> there should be some sort of official plugin. None these (mine for  
> sure!) are really "ready for prime time" or all they all that they  
> could be. This seems to be something that people need, the list has  
> been flooded with questions in the last few weeks.
> What is the "killer feature" of 0.7 in any case. 0.6 was extensions,  
> which have worked out very well and opened things up a lot, but where  
> do we go from here? Are "blogging" features still the main focus?
> Keith Bingman
> Tel: +49-7731-79838380
> On Jun 5, 2007, at 4:05 PM, Sean Cribbs wrote:
>> Johan Rönnblom wrote:
>>> Hi again
>>> I've followed the discussion about using page attachments for  
>>> images with great interest, and finally we got it working too.  
>>> However, because you can't reference attachments from snippets or  
>>> layouts, this doesn't really seem like a good solution for images  
>>> that reoccur throughout a website design (such as a logo or  
>>> whatever). Surely there must be some way to reference static  
>>> images somehow?  I can't find any documentation on this. Eg, is  
>>> there some directory in a radiant project that will act as web  
>>> root, or can one be created?
>>> Thanks for any help,
>> Your only option with page attachments for site-wide images is to  
>> attach
>> them to the root page.  The current method for finding attachments  
>> is to
>> search the current page and then the parent pages recursively.
>> Sean
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