Um, this thread's starting to deteriorate a bit.

@Alex - As you mentioned, I'm starting to like the component-ized approach as it makes it possible for extension builders to integrate new roles without breaking the UI (which oddly enough uses checkboxes = component mentality).

@ Anton - My choice of wording certainly is certainly objective but I chose it with the goal of conveying information to a lay user or small business owner to help them understand what the roles offer and what their boundaries are. Again, it's debatable but I think you would have more folks give you an answer closer to what we mean here if you asked, "what does your website designer do" vs. "what does your website developer do?"

I think that part of this stems from the fact that the word "developer" is generally only used in the context of:

   * Software Developer
   * Land/Subdivision Developer

This is one of those cases, where "designer" leads the new user to the right conclusion but, once you know what the role already means, "developer" is probably more technically accurate.

Interestingly, in one of your later posts, you define "Developer" and "Designer" separately where "Developer" was working outside of the Radiant UI (including RoR and DB tasks). And where Developer got into (x)html or css, the role overlapped with your definition of "Designer" It kind of made my point.

In any case, I'm not stuck on one particular name. I was only trying to find a term that someone from outside of the web world could look at and make a fairly close guess at the scope of that role.


Anton Aylward wrote:
Jonathan McCoy said the following on 22/06/08 03:12 PM:
Anton Aylward wrote:
Whatever. Nice argument. Sadly it fell apart shortly after "For most businesses...". The reality is quite different, and I can assure you that the ability to write copy, doesn't provide you with the competence to make design or technical decisions.

I never said it did.
I wasn't denigrating those roles.

Unlike you I wasn't denigrating any roles.
All have to play their part.

Calling the people involved in content development "Idiots" as you did
is insulting.

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