mathfuzzy;463336 Wrote: 
> With respect to snooze buttons being for sissies - well, be that at it
> may, this sissy doesn't always wake up immediately and builds those 9
> minutes into the morning routine.  Sounds as though I'm not alone in
> this regard.
> With respect to the lack of a snooze button being a fatal flaw, I
> completely agree.  It makes a great deal more sense that it would NOT be
> on the Boom, but would be on the Radio.  I'm trying to talk myself into
> the kludge of pushing the volume button as an acceptable solution, but
> it really isn't. Once (if?) the Radio has a dedicated snooze button on
> top, count me as a customer.

Yeah, I was just kidding.  I barely sleep anyway so getting up is no
problem and it's rare that I haven't been up for a few hours before the
alarm goes off at 3:30.  I reccommend one of those coffee machines that
grinds the beans before it makes coffee.  I don't think anyone can sleep
through that.

The missing snooze button is silly, but some of the suggestions, like
any movement of the knob, seem very doable.  I'd be happy with that if I
wasn't all ready up.

Howard Passman

Can I go home now?
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