I'm a long time fan of Slim Devices, having purchased my original SliMP3
player back in late 2001.  I also have the distinction of still having
the original email from Sean Adams indicating I was the very first
pre-order in for the original Squeezebox (which I still have).

I have been interested in some kind of improved bedside/tabletop radio
for a number of years and was interested in the Squeezebox Radio almost
from the start.  I was concerned about the initial bugs and quality
issues being mentioned in these forums, but went to the local Best Buy
to check the unit out anyhow.

A note to Logitech Marketing that handles the Squeeze players.  The
product placement in Best Buy stores and marketing effort is terrible. 
The Squeezebox units were not located with any of the other new "hip"
network/streaming products but were instead located with the audio video
receivers and speakers.  Big disappointment as it took me a full 20
minutes to locate the units (I actually had to ask for help, something I
almost never do).  It would probably be more helpful if they were
located with the network gear, or at least in the ipod/portable area.

Anyways.  I convinced the Best Buy folks to open a unit up (they didn't
even have one displayed) because I really wanted to see what the
physical hardware quality was like.  I had concerns that the unit would
suffer from sub-standard construction, similar to the "cheapening" of
buttons, etc, that I have seen on other mid-price consumer electronics
over the past few years.  I was very pleasantly surprised to find that
the SB radio seemed to be built like a tank, looked gorgeous and the
buttons seemed to have positive tactile feel.  I purchased one on the

When I got home and unboxed the player to get ready for set up, I was
surprised that there wasn't a more "in your face" setup document about
needing to set up a My Squeeze account.  I think most of the turn off of
the unit has been the perceived difficulty of setup, which might be
avoided with a large color poster that shows the set up in just a few
easy steps.  It should also have a big notice to contact helpful support
folks if having issues getting it set up so that it does not wind up
being returned to the store.  This is a premium price product and there
should be decent telephone support for setup issues, at least for the
first 30 days after purchase.

My own setup went relatively smoothly.  I used push to authenticate to
get it on my wi-fi network in a matter of seconds, and since I already
have a My Squeeze account set up for my Squeezebox Network software
running on my HP Mediasmart, I was off to the races fairly quickly.

The very first thing I wanted to do was stream some of my music to the
unit and see what audio quality was like.  In a word, it sounds very
good!  I would not call it audiophile quality but it certainly can hold
its own with other "tabletop radio" units that put out decent quality
sound for a medium sized room.

I was a bit put off by the favorites/preset process as it took me doing
some research and digging to discover how to add playlists as favorites
and then add those favorites as select buttons.  This area needs some
improvement.  I'd go as far as to say there should be a section in the
web setup for the Squeezebox Radio that addresses this issue.

I did find that most of the player based activities (with the very
notable omission of the above favorites/settings) were fairly intuitive.
I would like the ability to mute the annoying button press sounds, so
far I haven't found the place to do that.  It gets old after a while to
hear beeps and boops every time you are navigating the menu.  I did
observe that once when I left the room for a couple of hours with the
menu showing that it was still sitting at that menu screen when I
returned.  There is a "stopped" screen saver you can define but I would
really like the option for the player to shut itself off after 15
minutes if nothing is playing and there is no activity from the user.

I did play with the unit in a dark room because I was concerned about
how well the auto dimming would work.  I am a very light sleeper and any
extraneous lights keep me awake at night (LEDs especially).  I was
pleasantly surprised that the dimming works fantastic.  It would be nice
to set a minimum and maximum range for it.  It actually gets SO dim that
in a pitch black room you will struggle to read it.

After getting all situated with presets, basic setup (Pandora, etc), I
wanted to play with the Alarm functionality.  The Alarm setup was very
straight forward, but I was a bit disappointed in the actual execution. 
I had programmed my unit to wake me up to one of my own playlists at
9:00AM today and was actually already awake when the alarm turned it on.
When the Alarm activated (which was actually about a full 10-15 seconds
after 9:00AM) I was greeted with some noises and a full second of high
volume music before it then started to ramp up the volume slowly as it
had been programmed to do.  

This appears to be buggy behavior and hopefully can be improved upon in
future versions.  Another issue that I consider rather major is that
when the alarm is sounding it shows the alarm time prominently
displayed.  This should be the ACTUAL current time with the alarm time
below, especially for heavy sleepers who keep banging on the snooze

Another thing for the alarm that would be nice is the ability to label
alarms so that they read "his" and "hers", etc.  It is a bit confusing
for my wife if she needs to program "alarm 1" versus "alarm 2".  

On the whole the radio works very well.  I was very pleased with the
Pandora functionality and hope that with the remote it will be possible
to "thumbs up" or "thumbs down" a Pandora selection directly.  I did
notice that even though I have a Pandora One account that allows for
streaming of 192kbps that the Squeezebox Radio only streamed at 128kbps.
Perhaps this is a Pandora limitation.

One thing that did bug me throughout my use of the radio though was the
"now playing" screen.  It really bugged me that the album artwork had
the top chopped off by the progress bar and track details (particularly
annoying with the numerous album covers that show the artist, it winds
up that their head is chopped off like a photograph taken by a small
child).  Perhaps some alternate configurations can be provided in future
firmware versions.

>From a very long time Slim Devices customer I can give this unit a
hearty thumbs up!  I would like to see a lot of the wrinkles get ironed
out in the coming months and honestly I think that at the $199 price
point it should include the remote and battery pack (many competing $149
devices have this functionality).  There is, however, simply no better
option I am currently aware of for "freeing your music" in a small table
top solution than this Squeezebox Radio.

Job well done Sean, Dean and company!

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