toby10;480371 Wrote: 
> To turn off operation "beeps":
> Settings > Audio > Sound Effects > None
> Initially the Album Art was about 1/3 smaller on the Radio and many
> wanted larger images.  I would love to see a setting option for such art
> like Large (full screen like, it is now) and Small (about 1/4 to 1/3
> smaller, text does not cover album).  If it can only be a menu item
> within Settings that would be acceptable, but it would be better IMO to
> make it a simple on the fly option while in the Now Playing screen.
> I suggested a knob turn in Now Playing would re-size the art on the
> fly. A Knob turn currently does nothing in Now Playing (unless you push
> the knob).  The idea being each right click increases art size by 1/3,
> each left click decreases art size by 1/3, max three turns each way,
> fourth click (either direction) brings you back to the original art
> size.  But they seem to be interested in waiting for a third party
> plugin for this type of feature (assuming it is even possible at all).

Thanks for the heads up!  I suspected that there was some way to turn
off the beeps but just had not found the setting yet.

Even better than having the knob change album artwork size would be to
simply have several completely different "now playing" screens and allow
the knob to cycle through them.  This should make just about everyone

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