pippin;495014 Wrote: 
> As long as she sticks to MySB: IMHO, yes.

Thanks Pippin.  Your ap is on my iPhone Dock.  Especially since I'm
down to one working remote for three players.  The dogs just seem to
love the size and texture of the SB remote.

Tony T;495022 Wrote: 
> Yes!  Perfect example.  You can even program a slideshow for your
> pictures on Flickr.  (Use your Flickr account, then you can send new
> pictures to Flickr and it will show on their Radio if you set it as a
> screensaver)
> Oh yeah, and since the SB Radio had 6 pre-sets (3 for Dad and 3 for
> Mom?), after the initial set-up (which you should do), all they have to
> do is touch a preset and it will turn on.  Then just touch the power
> button to shut-off.  Really, couldn't be easier.  If there is ever a
> problem, tell them to just pull the plug and plug back in for a hard
> re-boot (no settings are lost).
> My only complaint with the unit is a bug with the back-up alarm.
> Great gift.  I bought 3 for gifts (and 3 for myself!).
> Tony

Thanks Tony.  Dad doesn't get any presets, unless there's a NASCAR I
don't know of and it's close enough to the toaster to interfere with his
breakfast PB&J on toast.  

This just keeps the two of them doing their own thing without
interference.  I think my mind is made up and for $150 it really can't
be better.  Over the last few years I bought them each iPods and I
believe they are yet unused and possibly Li-battery-dead.


-I like it, you may not.  I understand and respect that.-
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