bpa;496915 Wrote: 
> The URL which provides a complete list of BBC podcast in OPML format is
> http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio/opml/bbc_podcast_opml.opml
> Some podcasts can only be played if you are in the UK and some are
> "enhanced" which have video and can result in problems in playback. 
> Podcasts are only a small subset of what is available from "Listen
> Again".  There is some hope as BBC is making progress with "Listen
> Again" in WMA format although it is still testing.  Once BBC have
> finalised their WMA offering - it should be possible to be more
> definitive about whether the WMA version of "Listen Again" could be made
> available from a private website to players on MySB.com.
> See http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/radiolabs/2009/12/wma_listen_again.shtml

Thanks for this bpa! I added
http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio/opml/bbc_podcast_opml.opml as a "BBC
Podcasts" item on the Podcast app on MySB.com - I can then browse the
podcast from my radio. Strangley not all of them seem to work (perhaps
due to errors in the opml feed or content being removed?).

I've also downloaded both "BBC iPlayer" and bpa's excellent "BBC
iPlayer Extras" app to my LinkStation NAS SC/SBS.

I find this business of switching between the local SBS (for BBC
iPlayer/Extras, my music) and MySB.com (for the BBC app for live radio)
a bit confusing though - you really want it be transparent to the user
most of the time. Ideally I think I'd just have my NAS powered up when
I'm likely to listen to music and use MySB.com for everything else
(including occasional very early alarms).

Finally it would be great when there is some standardisation on what
the BBC provides - for a novice it's tricky to know what to use.
(perhaps I'll write a SB wiki page when I've finally worked it out

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