davenva;541096 Wrote: 
> It's interesting that the log has the radio talking to mysqueezebox.com.
> I keep the radio connected to my local squeezebox server, not
> mysqueezebox....
> I think that I read somewhere that the "natural" alarm sounds come from
> mysqueezebox?  Could that be why it goes there?
> It's odd enough that an alarm function needs a server at all, but
> involving 2 different servers is beyond odd.  One would think that a
> radio with a computer inside would be smart enough to simulate an alarm
> clock all by itself....

Correct.  And agreed on all fronts.  Many of the problems in the Radio
software (because there are indeed many) stem from a couple of
different angles.  I know because I've delved into the code base quite

While the alarm function is generally the most overtly seen to be
problematic (for reasons involving criticality of the alarm function),
that subsystem suffers from problems that are fundamentally more
widespread in the Squeezebox Radio software foundation.  

The layers of functionality are not intuitively distributed, and the
information passed between them doesn't always make sense or satisfy a
need of an adjacent logic layer.  Frankly, the interfaces and
applications don't appear to have been coordinated in a fashion that
makes a ton of sense. Much information is not easy to get to from the
applet arena, and the Squeezebox central operating infrastructure
(SqueezeOS, I think it's called - I've paid more attention to how it
works) often acts and reacts in opaque ways that are neither
foreseeable nor recognizable by applets.  Since much of the Radio
functionality is implemented at the applet layer, the lack of
information often available to the applets makes it hard to build a lot
of intelligence or fault tolerance into whatever particular
functionality an applet owns.  

Additionally, serious shortcomings exist in the area of
synchronization.  Proverbially speaking, the left hand is often unaware
of what the right hand is doing.  An applet may be waiting for a local
Radio software timer to expire and then start to play out a locally
stored audio file (as in the case of the alarm system), while the
server (whether MySB.com or SBS) is simultaneously sending an inbound
message to the Radio which is itself determined to usurp the playout
subsystem for its own purposes...  This is exactly the primary issue,
by the way, in the context of why alarms don't work right on the Radio.
Overall, synchronization is a widespread and significant problem under
the covers of the Radio.

You'll see in another thread just updated recently that a particularly
adept user has gleaned from the logfile that his Radio seemed to be
talking to both his local SBS and public net based MySB.com at the same
time.  This happens frequently, and can be viewed in the perspective I
shared above about synchronization problems within the Radio software
itself.  Those synchronization problems also exist across the Logitech
SB network infrastructure as well.  The left doesn't know what the
right is doing...  but they are both tweaking the same dial...   Not a
recipe for stability.

Additionally, shared resources in general aren't handled the way they
are typically in an embedded system.  Of course this is my opinion, but
then again I've built quite a large number of comparatively complex
embedded systems over the years.  These products included many of the
same functional software blocks that are utilized in the Radio

The network application architecture is itself suspect in several
areas.  Again, the best example may be the alarm functionality - where
the entirety of application logic outside of time synchronization and a
streaming service call should reside local to the Radio implementation,
yet where the server provides the actual primary alarm trigger via
message to the Radio instead.  Make no mistake, though, these types of
problems aren't isolated in the Radio software.  The volume handling is
odd and crashes into itself too, when the Radio attempts to modify state
locally even as some logic path separately invoked because of a server
message is messing around with the same thing.  The playout subsystem
suffers from this problem in general, where you can't be confident from
the applet space that what you've requested of the OS is being

There's more, but I'm sure everyone reading agrees that I've said
plenty by now.  It really is a shame, as the Radio is truly a fabulous
piece of hardware and a great and compelling service platform.  It
would be a VERY COOL device if the software was thoughtfully built and
the operation both stable and understandable.  I'm starting to get the
feeling that Logitech really doesn't really care about this product
space.  I truly believe they are squandering a huge prospective market
of untapped consumers.  At the current price point (which is also
fabulous), and with the proliferation of both broadband and consumer
802.11 wireless adoption, if the Radio worked as a proper alarm clock
and was rock solid otherwise I could see one of these units in an
absolutely huge number of American households.

Sorry I got carried away there.  Guess I've kind of grown tired of
watching the Radio platform be squandered.  Strong words, I know...  

No offense intended...

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