newy;548737 Wrote: 
> "I can't promise making it available in Canada, but I'll do what I can
> to help our disappointed customers there."  Ummm, for a start, how
> about making the battery available here?  That would "help". 
> Ridiculous.

You do realize that Mickey is not the CEO of Logitech, right, and he
can't force other divisions within Logitech to stock things.

The best he can do is talk to Logitech Canada Sales and Marketing and
say, "Guys, you realize we're selling these batteries faster than we
expected -- I bet you could sell them too and make money on your bottom
line if you stocked them...  Summer is coming and people will want to
drag their radios outside!"

If you can get ahold of Logitech Canada Sales and are sufficiently
polite (swearing at them will just get you written off...), you could
try the same thing.  "Hey, I have this radio and it really needs a
battery: you guys should stock them because I'm sure you could sell
them.. ask Logitech US how their sales are on this product!"

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