Ron Stordahl;565016 Wrote: 
> I have numerous problems with my SBR Hardware version 5 Firmware version
> 7.5.1 r8837, but I will describe one which is 100% repeatable, and not
> temporarily correctable by rebooting.  
> I use (I do not run Squeezebox server).
> If I am listing to a station, any station, and then power down the
> radio by pushing the power button, the radio switches to the clock
> display and the audio stop...this is all as it should.  When I
> subsequently want to start the radio by pushing the power button, it
> appears to resume, but the connection to the radio station is
> apparently not retried..if it is it is unsuccessful.  

I don't think the radio is supposed to start up the stream that was
playing when it was turned off when it is turned back on. I know that
is what a normal radio does, but I don't think this radio was designed
to do that. I may be wrong. 

> The only way to get the radio to resume is to manually reselect the
> station.  This is most easily done by programming one of the six
> selection keys to a desired station.  Upon pushing one of them the
> radio immediately reconnects and plays.
> If instead I set the timeout, say to 15 minutes, and the alarm clock to
> 'start' after this, say 10 minutes later, the radio shuts down at 15
> minutes as it should, then at the alarm time (in this instance 10
> minutes later) the radio restarts, but fails to play.  It behaves, in
> other words, exactly as described in the preceding paragraph.
> There are other problems, which require rebooting to temporarily fix,
> but I should think the simple problem I described above, if others are
> experiencing it represent a firmware issue which needs to be resolved.

The whole issue of the radio turning on and off randomly and/or the
alarm not sounding properly may be due to two bugs that look like they
will be fixed in the next firmware release. See post number 70 here
( along
with the two bug reports at Bugzilla (Bug 16170 and Bug 16295). The
radio behaves much better if it is never turned off.

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