I'm just about ready to give up on my year-old Squeezebox Radio.  It has
a problem that has been reported here by several other users with no
common solution: it falls off my wifi network (wifi icon turns red) at
least once a day, usually first thing in the morning.  All the other
devices in the house, including some in the same room, have no problems
with the network.

Sometimes if I wait (up to half an hour) it comes back by itself. 
Sometimes I have to reboot the Radio.  Sometimes I also have to
re-enter my wifi password (and that's a pain, because it is a long
one).  Sometimes I also have to reboot my wifi router (and that's a
huge pain, because some of the other devices in my house do not
consistently reconnect with the rebooted router -- including my two
Squeezebox Classics and my TiVo).  

When the Radio falls off the network, it shows no network name under
Settings > Advanced > Diagnostics > Wireless Info and my network shows
in the list of available wireless networks but with zero signal
strength (even though other devices in the same room have plenty of
signal).  "Check Network" shows "Wireless - no link."  "Repair Network"
has no effect.  

I've tried SSH-ing into the Radio and running "top" to keep the network
alive, as another poster here suggested.  It didn't work.

There is a microwave oven in the same room as the Radio but there's no
apparent correlation between use of the oven and the Radio's network
problems.  Using wired Ethernet is not an option in this room.

Here's how the Radio reports itself to the server, when it's up:

Player Model: Squeezebox Radio
Firmware: 7.6.1-r9482
Player IP Address:
Player MAC Address: 00:04:20:28:cd:d5
Wireless Signal Strength: 83%

My wireless router is the powerful but rather obscure Ruckus 2825
Multimedia Wireless Router
It provides excellent signal strength throughout my house and has not
been problematic other than with the Radio.  Unfortunately, its
settings are rather limited and does not seem to offer control over
uPnP or DHCP lease time.  It is broadcasting my SSID (whose name
consists only of numbers and letters) and using channel 1 (I selected
this channel because none of my neighbors are using it).  I'm using WPA
Personal for security.

My router is in "auto-select" (B/G) mode.  I haven't yet changed this
because I am afraid it might require reauthenticating all my devices
after the change, which would be a pain.  I also have some older
devices that MIGHT not be G-compatible (I can't find their spec

At this point I'm pretty much at a loss.  I love everything about the
Radio except the fact that it doesn't work reliably, but I'm just about
ready to go back to my previous solution in this room which was an iPod
speaker set.

I haven't tried contacting Logitech.  The Radio is over a year old, and
I have not had good luck with technical issues like this.

As I see it, here are my options:

1. Try putting the router into G-only mode (might require
reauthenticating all devices).

2. Buy another Radio in hopes that this is a hardware defect ($129 at
Best Buy).

3. Try a different router, e.g. Airport Extreme or Time Capsule
($179-300, would definitely require reauthenticating all devices).

Any other suggestions?

I am a retired software professional and would be happy to try
diagnostics, turn on logging, etc. if that would help diagnose the

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