I considered a Ruckus too, btw.

Some wireless APs regardless of price, touted range, features, may not
perform well in certain environments.  And this can be very bad with
the newer SBs.  A recent "high end" router was simply terrible here. 
We're now using an Airport Extreme, and it has been fantastic.  Our
original Belkin Pre-N was simply rock-solid (if perhaps not friendly to
the neighbors).

Try setting the AP back to auto-selecting the channel, and focusing on
the wireless settings on the AP (don't know anything about the Ruckus'

While you may not have used your microwave, your neighbors may have, or
perhaps there is other RF interference that happens to impact your AP
more than is acceptable.

I wouldn't focus on DHCP - if you are losing an IP, it is most likely
because you lose association.

I'd generally ignore the signal strength meter.  Your own experience is
telling you it is not too useful.  If you're streaming music reliably,
who cares what the number says.  If you're not, do you need a number to
reinforce this? :-)

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