rich.herbs wrote: 
> Based on some comments in the post
> I thought it would be easier to call Logitech and ask them if newer
> radios could be downgraded.
> The phone tech support walked me through the usual debugging steps, and
> once stumped by the problem offered to replace the unit.  
> The tech mentioned that based on the serial number, my problem Radio is
> a very recent manufacture.  When I asked him if newer Radios had
> downgrade restrictions (as suggested by pippin in the post referenced
> above) he replied they did not and should all downgrade properly.
> Thanks to all who replied to my post.  I will wait for the replacement
> Radio and hope it will downgrade properly.

Did your replacement radio have the same issue?  I'm experiencing the
same issue with a Radio I just purchased and it is driving me crazy.

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