wcndave wrote: 
> Some posters were saying some categories don't exist much anymore,
> however i suspect that the latter two are both high growth potential,
> and Squeeze was the only one that handled them all in a complete house
> system.
> Therefore reducing the range to the one item that the kind of people who
> frequent this forum will care about the least is a real shame...
Yes, the people on this forum is no longer the ones Logitech want to
sell UE Smart Radio to. We are music enthusiasts and that's no longer
Logitech's main target.

wcndave wrote: 
> I am building a and was waiting until then to get a couple of booms, and
> 2 or 3 touches, however I am not left with no real options :-(
You can probably get used ones on eBay and similar sites, but I
understand your frustration, we all feel more or less exactly the same.

However, if you aren't in a urgent need, I would just wait, I'm sure
some company eventually decides to take advantage of the market segment
Logitech no longer is interested in. Developing new products will take a
bit of time, so for any company that started to develop new products
just after Logitech stopped selling Squeezebox it's likely going to take
at least another 6-12 months before the products are ready to be
released on the market.

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