Further to investigations over the last two/three weeks, I have found
that increasing the Radio's ALSA buffer size to 30 milliseconds is
proving to be an effective work-around to the problem. Since making this
change, I have had no instances of "Bass drop-out" in circumstances
where I would hitherto have had many. And I have not encountered any
noticeable adverse effects on the Radio's performance as a result of the

For anyone else who may wish to try this, I have made an applet
available, named *ALSA buffer size*, that allows for the buffer size to
be changed easily, using the standard user interface. I have been using
it on my Squeezebox Radios, which run the current software version 7.7.3
r16676. The applet is targeted at Radios, and will not install on other
Squeezeplay based players.

I would expect the applet to work identically on earlier versions of the
software, and on the UE Smart Radio version as well, because the
software is substantially identical in the relevant area. But I don't
have those devices available to me and can't explicitly test them.
Feedback welcome.


Users of Logitech Media Server (LMS) can install the applet using the
_Applet_Installer_ menu, which is found in the Radio's
_Advanced_Settings_ menu. To do that, add the following URL to the list
of _Additional_repositories_ at the bottom of the LMS _Plugins_ settings
page. This will make the applet available to the Radio. Make sure that
that the _Recommended_Applets_Only_ option at the bottom of the Applet
Installer menu is _not_ selected.

Repository URL:

I have found that occasionally the applet does not show up in the
offered list. In this case, simply back out of the menu and retry. I
believe that LMS (or sourceforge) is occasionally a bit tardy in
assembling the list of applets.

Once installed, the applet will show up as a menu item under the
_Advanced_Settings_ menu.

If you wish to remove the applet, reset the buffer size to its default
setting before removal.


The applet may also be installed manually. Enable _Remote_Login_ on your
radio, note the password, and log in using ssh or your tool of choice.
On a Linux or macOS system this would be:

  ssh -l root your_radio

Then execute the following commands on the Radio:

  mkdir -p /etc/squeezeplay/userpath/applets/AlsaBufferSize
  unzip AlsaBufferSize-v1.01.zip -d 
  rm AlsaBufferSize-v1.01.zip

The expected dialogue is as follows:

  # wget 
  Connecting to mrw-applets.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com 
  AlsaBufferSize-v1.01 100% 
  7415  00:00:00 ETA
  # mkdir -p /etc/squeezeplay/userpath/applets/AlsaBufferSize
  # unzip AlsaBufferSize-v1.01.zip -d 
  Archive:  AlsaBufferSize-v1.01.zip
  inflating: AlsaBufferSizeApplet.lua
  inflating: AlsaBufferSizeMeta.lua
  inflating: loadPriority.lua
  inflating: strings.txt
  # exit

Now restart your Radio, and look for the menu item under Advanced
Settings. And, remember to disable _Remote_Login_.

To remove the applet, reset the buffer size to its default setting, log
in to your radio, and:

  rm -r /etc/squeezeplay/userpath/applets/AlsaBufferSize

Any comments or feedback welcome. In particular, confirmation that the
installation works on a UE Radio would be welcome.

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