pzyvbv wrote: 
> Hi.
> I installed the applet and all seemed to be okay , but I recently tried
> to play an mp3 audio track with a sample rate of 22050Hz and it just
> refused to play with a buffer size of 30ms. In fact it crashed the
> player which became unresponsive and eventually rebooted.
> Track plays without the applet installed, with the applet installed and
> set to 20ms (default) and also when set to 40ms.
> Am I okay to just stick with 40ms, i.e. is it any worse than 30ms? Are
> there any downsides to 40ms compared to 30ms?
> The hardware is a squeezebox UE radio. Sounds effects are turned on.

Thank you for the feedback.

I can think of no obvious reason forwhy a 30ms buffer size would create
the difficulty with the 22050Hz MP3 track. But I haven't actually tried
that combination, and may do so in due course. As far as I could see,
the 'UE radio' playback system differs in no material respect to the
'Baby', which I have used for testing.

I'm not aware of any issues with using 40ms, or any downsides to doing
that. But I haven't used that setting extensively, so I can only suggest
that you try it out. It occurred to me that it might lead to
synchronization deficiencies between players, but I'm not sure.

Since my last post, in July, I have carried out some further testing and

I am now of the view that the problem probably lies somewhere within the
kernel audio drivers, and not within Squeezeplay's Crossover component,
as I had first surmised.

The immediate cause of the effect is somewhat mundane, and I don't know
why I hadn't noticed it before. Basically the 'Tweeter/Left' and
'Woofer/Right' channels are simply being switched around. So the tweeter
is fed with sound intended for the woofer, and vice versa. The effect
can be easily discerned when listening to a heavily panned stereo track
through headphones. (The Crossover is inactive in that circumstance).

I have tried installing some later alsa libraries in the hope that there
may be an issue therein. But to no good effect. There was no obvious
reason to think that there would be, but it was worth trying.

I can see that a (lightly) patched version of jive_alsa would also help
mitigate matters further when a stream is just being started up. It has
been on those occasions that I am conscious of experiencing the issue.
But it is too rare an occurrence to be sure.

Merry Christmas !

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