Thank you all for your thoughts and suggestions. Turning the
auto-power-off feature off made the problem go away. So there must be a
bug there. (If anyone wants to reproduce the problem, note that I used
the "Always" setting, as mentioned above. Not sure whether the stop and
pause settings work fine, but I believe they do, which would mean that
the code where the bug is could be narrowed down quute a lot.) 

Good idea to increase the log level for that feature. Will try that when
I have time or when someone says: send me those logs and I'll see if I
can fix the bug.

*Server*: LMS 7.9.2 on an Ubuntu 18.04 virtual machine
*Players*: Radio, Touch, Duet (Receiver & Controller), 2 Booms
*Remote control apps*: SqueezePad (iOS), Squeezecontroller (Android)
*Important plugins*: Trackstat, Spicefly Sugarcube, Lazy Search Music,
Custom Browse, Multi Library, Material Skin
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