rdeckard wrote: 
> ...
> I ultimately performed the factory restore, and updated to Community
> firmware. Nothing else.
> Put back the IOGEAR WiFi bridge, let the Radio pull a DHCP IP, and all
> was OK for the day, but by last night, it had become
> sluggish/unresponsive again.
> Reboot brought it back.
> ...
> This is looking less like a WiFi/Ethernet issue, and more like an actual
> hardware failure now.
> ...
> Could this be due to a bad power supply?
> What's the best way to retrieve logs from the Radio?

The sluggish/unresponsive complaint seems relevant. This could happen if
some process is using all the processor time, or somehow all the system
memory. Perhaps something misbehaving is hogging these resources. You
could troubleshoot this using SSH to run 'top' to examine process CPU
and memory values. The 'df' command displays how much flash memory is
used and available. Of course, you have to log in via SSH before
disconnection, run top, and keep the SSH window open until a failure.
Hopefully, usage will "creep up" prior to the failure and you can
identify a culprit. When the connection fails, so will the SSH
connection, so the last result prior to failure will be still be

Installing wlanpoke and configuring it (adding "-d /etc/log/") for
persistent log file storage can give you info about the system prior to
failure you can retrieve after reboot.

You might consider running just the stock firmware. Also, try playing
something completely different, e.g., a local music library, a different
streaming service, etc. Try switching from LMS to mysqueezebox.com.

Regarding the power supply, my power supplies become intermittent at the
barrel power connector and have to be resoldered every some years. But
these failure result in discharged batteries, or outright power off or
reboot outcomes.

Use 'tftp' to transfer log files out to a tftp server you run on your
pc. Otherwise you can 'cat' the contents to the SSH terminal window and
copy from there. The Radio's log files however are stored in
non-persistent storage at /var/log, and are not that useful anyway. The
'dmesg' command yields more relevant info. You might add a line to
wlanpoke to pipe a dmesg output to a text file in /etc/log on each

If you are really ambitious, you can install a TTL serial connection to
a TTL serial-USB adapter and use this to query the system even after a
failure (but before a reboot).

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