The Blue wifi icon is documented in the SB Radio manual as loss of
connection to LMS as opposed to red which is loss of wifi...
But that indication was lost in the later official releases of SB Radio

It was re-instated in the community firmware, Version 8.0.1 r16824 - Dec
30 2020 release...

"Identify LMS connectivity problems with blue network status icon on
Radio and Controller. Change from Martin Williams."

I believe the SB Radio wifi issues also include a state where the wifi
connection still appears to be up, but no traffic is being passed -
possibly in one direction, can't remember off the top of my head, and I
think, but again not sure, it was POMdev who identified this state
during his investigation that led to WLANPoke. 
Anyway in this case with Community Firmware 16824 onwards you will see a
blue wifi icon indicating loss of connection to LMS, but it's still all
part of the wifi issues unfortunately being seen far too often


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