mrw wrote: 
> A solution to what ? This is the basic problem, we don’t know what
> -what- is. It may be an issue with the Radio’s WiFi, it may be an issue
> with the router, or it may be something else. And different people may
> have different problems but conflate them into one single ‘cause’.
> If it is a relatively recent phenomenon, I’d be investigating what may
> have recently changed.

This is a very important point. We all have hypothesized a cause of "the
problem" and might be on the right track, but at the same time while the
majority of the issues might be one "problem" a fair amount could be

A lot of discussion focus is wifi6, either in the connected router or a
neighbor. There are ways to test (e.g. use a non 802.11ax router, or
move your radio to, say the basement, to see if it's your neighbor). But
in the end, each solution may be unique. There is not magic bullet at
this time. Vonnets, wlanpoke, etc have helped for some.

I have several radios, and two locations, both rural. I have an ax and a
n router, and have no connection problems. So I can't replicate to help,
but the fact my radios (I think I have more than 6) are fine might be an

As @mrw states, "what has recently changed?" is a great place to start.
Often when I think this way I find the problem was something I
inadvertently caused :o


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