I've been doing a lot of JSF (Java Server Faces) work recently, which
is different to GWT in implementation, but similar in that it seeks to
abstract the pain points of web development away.  In the case of JSF
a common refrain is to claim it makes web development more like
Swing/rich interface development.  In broad terms, GWT's goal is
probably not all that different.

Very generally main advantages:
- makes rich web apps easy (it helps to understand HTTP, but is by no
means necessary).
- allows you to use generic development resources (i.e. I don't need
to find developers who know a range of different technologies -- if
I've got a Java guy/gal, that'll do)

- if a component/abstraction doesn't work as expected, debugging can
be a massive pain
- generated HTML is ugly and non-standards based.  Hell, it's mostly
table based.

> You can't use sass without
> already knowing css, but if you can write GWT without knowing javascript
> then you may be running the risk of digging a very deep hole.

Yup, this has been the biggest observed issue for me (for JSF)... it's
not just knowing javascript that is an issue, but having the tools to
get beneath the abstraction.  I'd assume it's the same for GWT's
compile-java-to-javascript process.

Having said all that, there're are some nice things too.  The event
model, with multiple action end-points, is great, and the rendering
life-cycle, converters and validators, all provide a good level of
flexibility (again, in JSF).


On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 10:50 AM, Lincoln Stoll<lst...@lstoll.net> wrote:
> I'm assuming it is - in dev mode (hosted in their
> browser) it is supposedly debuggable as java byte code, which is interesting. In prod, I'm not so sure.
> But yeah, I totally agree. It seems to integrate with third party JS, so the
> generated stuff can't be *that* hard to understand.
> The main downside is that it is java project only.
> On 22/06/2009, at 1:33 AM, Myles Byrne wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 10:15 AM, Lincoln Stoll <lst...@lstoll.net> wrote:
>> I guess less time in dev, consistency in testing and language for
>> development, potentially more efficient output, integration with existing
>> code?
>> I'm not using it at the moment, but in some ways it looks interesting.
> Seems reasonable. As long the js is debuggable. Having to learn js (and more
> importantly, the GWT style of 'compiled' js) because the abstraction leaked
> would be my main concern as a java developer. You can't use sass without
> already knowing css, but if you can write GWT without knowing javascript
> then you may be running the risk of digging a very deep hole.
> >

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