nan sabana durian iko khasiat nan bisa
dipertimbangkan ateh dugaan salamo ko.
tarutamo ttg KOLESTEROL



Durian is the Healing King of All Fruits

Saturday, August 08, 2009 by: Sheryl Walters, citizen journalist

(NaturalNews) Durian is a little known fruit from Asia that has an 
extremely pungent smell and an amazingly sweet taste. The smell of the 
durian fruit is so bad that many hotels in the areas where durian grows 
will not allow their guests to have the fruit in their rooms. But those 
who brave the smell are quickly won over by its beautiful taste and 
amazing health benefits. Unlike most fruits the durian is left to fall 
from the tree as this is a sign that it is ripe to eat. People in the 
local villages of South East Asia, where the durian is most common, call 
it "The King of Fruits," and they will clear the floor under the trees 
near to harvest time and then camp near them for up to two months just 
to make sure they get the fruit at its peak. This is a truly exceptional 
and healing fruit

Health Benefits of Durian

Traditionally the durian fruit was seen as a powerful aphrodisiac, while 
women would eat the ashes from burnt durian skins to help them recover 
after child birth. But concoctions made from the leaves of the durian 
tree were also used to help reduce swelling and cure skin disease. More 
recently nutritionists have claimed that the durian fruit can help lower 
cholesterol and cleanse the blood as well as cure jaundice and alleviate 

Experts even say that you can rid yourself of yeast infections such as 
thrush through eating the durian fruit. This is because of the durian's 
high iron content that helps the white blood cells in our body make 
specific chemicals that kill off the infection.

The durian is also packed with amino acids as well as Vitamins B, C and 
E and many people are even comparing the sweet custard like centre of 
the durian fruit to the goji berry for its high levels of anti oxidants. 
These anti oxidants help slow down the destruction of cells from free 
radicals such as pollution and smoking; in doing so, they decrease the 
effects of aging on the skin giving you a younger more refreshed look.

Among the amino acids found inside the durian is tryptophan. Tryptophan 
is essential for making and maintaining serotonin levels in the body. 
Serotonin is the hormone in the body that regulates our happiness. 
People with low serotonin levels tend to have short tempers, are often 
moody and suffer from depression. This means that not only will eating 
the durian fruit help keep your body running smoothly but it will also 
increase your general happiness and wellbeing.


Sheryl Walters is a qualified kinesiologist, nutritionist, 
reflexologist, massage therapist, life coach, hypnotherapist, and NLP 

She holds a degree in speech, language and hearing sciences from the 
University of Colorado in Boulder.

Lies Suryadi wrote:
> Mak Ngah,
> Ambo kiro dek isinyo putiah ndak? Sarupo kuliok urang Ulando. 
> Iyo...sagalo nan putiah bahubuangan jo Ulando.

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