On Aug 30, 2009, at 11:30 AM, grant wrote:

> There are things I understand and know about frame design, and
> frames in general, and structures, that I didn't know five years ago.
> They're never talked about, because they're not of of a nature that's
> easy to talk about without sounding out of touch with reality or what
> matters, or the big picture. Is a frame any better if it has something
> good that 's too small to notice but yet isn't superficial or purely
> cosmetic? Or worse if it lacks it, but all the stuff that's active and
> visible is equal? Sometimes, like usually, it feel like I'm working in
> a dark closet in foreign land with a new language that doesn't work in
> public. The revelations are so tiny, and are too tiny for prime time,
> but they're really neat (from my perspective). It's frustrating to not
> be able to express it, or to not have the confidence in my ability to,
> without being misread.

There's a video on YouTube of Norman and Jack Taylor brazing a frame;  
Norman's voice over says "I've made 8,300 frames and I'm still  
learning."  I think it may be impossible to ever know everything  
about a sophisticated craft like bike frame design.  One can learn  
the major points quickly, but the subtle ones take years.

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