You are right, Patrick. It does not explain it. But it is explainable (and 
I think part of the explanation is found in a more accurate understanding 
of the mainstream Japanese diet and the actual number of calories they are 
getting. They are far closer to paleo than perhaps you are thinking?). I'd 
be happy to loan you my Perfect Health Diet Kindle edition if you would 
like. That way you can look into it directly. PM me and I'll try and figure 
out how to do that.

With abandon,

On Thursday, November 6, 2014 2:33:08 PM UTC-7, Patrick Moore wrote:
> But that doesn't explain the mainstream Japanese diet and the noted 
> longevity and general health of the mainstream Japanese. Nor the health of 
> starch eating populations over the greater part of history.
> On Thu, Nov 6, 2014 at 2:29 PM, Deacon Patrick < 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> Patrick,
>> Excellent question. I know this gets explored and, to my mind, answered 
>> in "The Perfect Health Diet" -- but the general concept is that the 
>> traditional diet, on Okinawa for example, was very high fat (pork) and some 
>> rice and tubers (safe starches). The newer generation(s) eating less meat 
>> and fat and more rice are experiencing the "diseases of civilization," 
>> which were previously unheard of in those parts.
>> Additionally, the religious practice of intermittent fasting on a regular 
>> basis dramatically helps heal the body, with the body entering into 
>> autophagia, in which the many and various "leftover" bits floating around 
>> are consumed and used for energy rather than lingering and causing 
>> problems. From my reading,t here are two camps that consistently live a 
>> long time: high fat/low carb (natural fats, not industrial, and high in 
>> leafy greens) or some version of intermittent fasting and intentional 
>> calorie restriction (like the diet of a monk).
>> With abandon,
>> Patrick
>> On Thursday, November 6, 2014 1:36:30 PM UTC-7, Patrick Moore wrote:
>>> Patrick: how do you explain the Japanese? They are notorious for 
>>> longevity, low chronic ailments, and a diet low on bacon and steak and high 
>>> on rice.
>>> This is a serious question, not a challenge.
>>> On Thu, Nov 6, 2014 at 1:10 PM, Deacon Patrick <> wrote:
>>>> Alternative viewpoints to what? Low carb? The standard American diet? I 
>>>> didn't see any new information there and I saw nothing that refutes a low 
>>>> carb approach. One reality I've personally experienced, and the science 
>>>> supports, is that meals high in fat (in my case, 80-90% of calories come 
>>>> from fat) are amazingly satiating and filling and satisfying and also 
>>>> trigger the "I'm full" as appropriate. The result is the same as the 
>>>> experiments Guyenet cites, but with the added benefit of amazing, tasty 
>>>> food.
>>>> These folks went on a self-regulated calorie negative diet, which by 
>>>> definition means they were in ketosis most of the time (possibly all the 
>>>> time), getting nearly all their energy from their body's fat stores. This 
>>>> would seem to confirm the health benefits of switching from sugar 
>>>> burning/fat storing to fat burning, which is precisely what a paleo or low 
>>>> carb diet does.
>>>> Also, those studies do not explore the question "Why did those folks 
>>>> have issues with the pleasure center of their brain, causing them to over 
>>>> eat?" One very plausible explanation, which the science supports, is it is 
>>>> the result of the carb/insulin cycle altering brain as well as body 
>>>> chemistry. 
>>>> With abandon,
>>>> Patrick
>>>> On Thursday, November 6, 2014 12:33:03 PM UTC-7, Chris Lampe 2 wrote:
>>>>> I would invite anyone who is interested in alternative viewpoints to 
>>>>> follow the link provided here and read some of Dr. Guyenet's work.  Pay 
>>>>> particular attention to the "tasteless liquid through a straw" 
>>>>> experiment.  
>>>>> The results indicate that something really is different in the brains of 
>>>>> obese people vs the brains of normal weight people.  
>>>>> dominant-factor-in-obesity.html
>>>>> On Sunday, November 2, 2014 2:24:52 PM UTC-6, David Banzer wrote:
>>>>>> First off, this isn't necessarily Riv-related, or even bike-related 
>>>>>> technically, but it is Grant-related. If this falls outside the 
>>>>>> parameters 
>>>>>> of this list, let me know, and Jim feel free to delete. 
>>>>>> I've been following Grant's new blog for his new book and am 
>>>>>> genuinely interested in the diet/exercise viewpoint that he discusses 
>>>>>> and 
>>>>>> follows. 
>>>>>> I guess my questions are (and answers probably should be offlist I 
>>>>>> guess):
>>>>>> Anyone follow a similar diet?
>>>>>> Your general experiences?
>>>>>> Your reasons for adopting this diet, and your experience in the 
>>>>>> transition period?
>>>>>> Difficulties?
>>>>>> What would you bring on a lengthy bike ride (bike-related!) or 
>>>>>> overnight?
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> David
>>>>>> Chicago
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>>> -- 
>>> Resumes, LinkedIn profiles, bios, and letters that get interviews.
>>> By-the-hour resume and LinkedIn coaching.
>>> Other professional writing services.
>>> Patrick Moore
>>> Alburquerque, Nouvelle Mexique,  Vereinigte Staaten
>>> *************************************
>>> *[I]n exploring the physical universe man has made no attempt to explore 
>>> himself. Much of what goes by the name of pleasure is simply an effort to 
>>> destroy consciousness. If one started by asking, what is man? what are his 
>>> needs? how can he best express himself? one would discover that merely 
>>> having the power to avoid work and live one’s life from birth to death in 
>>> electric light and to the tune of tinned music is not a reason for doing 
>>> so.”*
>>> *                                                                        
>>>             -- George Orwell, Pleasure Spots*
>>> *Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not 
>>> money, I am become as a sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. And though I 
>>> have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; 
>>> and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not 
>>> money, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and 
>>> though I give my body to be burned, and have not money, it profiteth me 
>>> nothing. Money suffereth long, and it is kind; money envieth not; money 
>>> vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, doth not behave unseemly, seeketh 
>>> not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; rejoiceth not in 
>>> iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth; beareth all things, hopeth all 
>>> things, endureth all things. . . . And now abideth faith, hope, money, 
>>> these three; but the greatest of these is money. *
>>> *                                                                        
>>>        -- George Orwell, Keep The Apidistra Flying*
>>  -- 
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> -- 
> Resumes, LinkedIn profiles, bios, and letters that get interviews.
> By-the-hour resume and LinkedIn coaching.
> Other professional writing services.
> Patrick Moore
> Alburquerque, Nouvelle Mexique,  Vereinigte Staaten
> *************************************
> *[I]n exploring the physical universe man has made no attempt to explore 
> himself. Much of what goes by the name of pleasure is simply an effort to 
> destroy consciousness. If one started by asking, what is man? what are his 
> needs? how can he best express himself? one would discover that merely 
> having the power to avoid work and live one’s life from birth to death in 
> electric light and to the tune of tinned music is not a reason for doing 
> so.”*
> *                                                                          
>           -- George Orwell, Pleasure Spots*
> *Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not money, 
> I am become as a sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. And though I have 
> the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and 
> though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not 
> money, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and 
> though I give my body to be burned, and have not money, it profiteth me 
> nothing. Money suffereth long, and it is kind; money envieth not; money 
> vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, doth not behave unseemly, seeketh 
> not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; rejoiceth not in 
> iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth; beareth all things, hopeth all 
> things, endureth all things. . . . And now abideth faith, hope, money, 
> these three; but the greatest of these is money. *
> *                                                                          
>      -- George Orwell, Keep The Apidistra Flying*

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