Some of us would be grateful just to strip fasteners.

I've ridden 50.4 5-pin French cranksets for a long time. For reasons 
related to backward compatibility to bits developed in the 1930s, those 
cranks/chainrings use 8mm fasteners, noticea smaller than the 10mm 
chainring bolts common since the rise of Campagnolo. For reasons related to 
limited materials access after WWII (and possibly French stubbornness), 
said teeny connectors were typically made of wussy soft steel. This is an 
unfortunate combination.

I have a stash of TA/Stronglight/Nervar chainring bolts that I attempted to 
tighten to the point where the connection wouldn't wiggle, when POP! the 
head of the near-unobtainium hex bolt snapped off, leaving me with the 
stump of the bolt plugging the near-unobtainium sleeved nut. I've hung onto 
the nuts, in the wishful fantasy that someday I'll get a teeny-tiny 
easy-out and extract the stumps, leaving me with nuts in case I ever find 
replacement bolts. Yeah, right.

VO sells substitute cyclotouriste bolts, but only for doubles. I harangued 
them for years to get them to sell triples (same bolt, same spacers, same 
nut with a longer sleeve), and they kept doing the VO classic "Well, maybe! 
We'll see if there's a demand!", which is their polite way of saying "get 
outta here, and stop bothering us with your fringy obsessions. We're not 
actually trying to make parts for cyclotouristes; we're trying to make 
parts that make you *look* like a cyclotouriste. Can't you see that 
cassettes+compact doubles is all we care about?". I haven't tried to 
harangue the new owners; maybe they'll be more interested.

I've come to adopt the position of the great midcentury photographer Henri 
Cartier-Bresson: When tightening the teeny French chainring bolts, there is 
a *decisive moment*: the moment at which you've gotten the connector tight 
enough to perform its function but not yet tight enough to destroy the 
connector. Some days I feel that decisive moment, and other days I *don't*. 
I try to avoid messing with my chainrings on the *don't* days. And always 
root around in the bolt bins at the bike kitchen, looking for the ones that 
got tossed in because they're obviously too small to be useful for anything.

Peter "if you love your weirdo chainring bolts, let them go. If they break, 
they were never really yours" Adler
Berkeley, CA/USA

PS for Patrick: It is equally well known that small children are resistant 
to use the "sh" sound, as it is a weapon frequently used for small-child 

"No, *you* be quiet, Daddy!"

On Sunday, April 23, 2017 at 3:41:31 PM UTC-7, Patrick Moore wrote:
> O! Very well known!
> Patrick "torque it some more" Moore
> Aside: recall one day my then 3 year old daughter frustrated by some 
> elementary task, saying earnestly to herself, oh SIT!". 
> On Sun, Apr 23, 2017 at 3:38 PM, Steve Palincsar < 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> Another important step is going beyond that point into the "Oh Shit" zone 
>> when instead of getting tighter it just spins free because you stripped it.

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