I realize there a few hours left,  but I am unlikely to move the needle any 
before the end of the day so I'll go first.

First 2018 was a highwater mark for me so I was unlikely to match the 2,700+ 
miles I did last year.

I had some challenges at the beginning of the year which likely killed my 
totals, but overall I feel positive going into the next decade.

Total 2,400 miles
1,045 of that was on my Radwagon E-bike. I am hesitant to include those miles 
at all, except that those are miles that I would have had to otherwise use my 
car. So you can put an Asterisk next to them if you like, but I'll call it a 
win. 😉

That still leaves a fairly respectable 1,355 miles. Split amongst a dozen or so 
different bikes.

Next to my e-bike the next highest mileage total was on the Eastern Growler, 
26" BMX Cruiser I call Big Baby, because she's pink. 226 miles
3rd surprisingly is my Clementine @ 223 miles! I say surprisingly,  because I 
just don't feel like I ride it that much and less than I  otherwise would 
because it's too awkwardly big to take on the train.
4th. Crust Bombora, well honestly when you consider I've only been riding this 
a few months this year it really should be like #2 I ride it ALL THE TIME! I 
ride it so much that I make a concerted effort to ride other bikes, just so 
they get ridden.

Of note the next in mileage is my stainless steel SOMA Triple Cross. Notable, 
because even though I don't ride it as often as I'd like when I do ride it, 
it's typically on the more epic range. 20+ miles per trip.

The down side of having quite a few bikes, is that some don't get ridden more. 
My Atlantis would probably be up near the top, except it spent a considerable 
time with a rear flat thats resisted fixing.

Oddly my mileage has dropped for reasons that seem somewhat contradictory; I 
got laid off from my job that was 13.4 miles from my house and the new job is 
16.3 miles from the house. The rub is that this additional 3 miles each way 
adds considerable time & effort to a commute that was already challenging. This 
was one reason I got the E-bike and why it's chocked up so many miles. I  just 
couldn't spend the time to ride to work as much.😥

Anywayz, what's your story?

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