Just came back from a visit to New England which included 5 days
biking in Vermont on my new to me Sam.
Beautiful part of the world this time of year.
The hills were a bit much for this flatlander, especially self
supported, but managed to have a really good time anyway.


On Aug 26, 11:44 pm, Zack <zack...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Went on my first S24O this week on my new Sam.  I rode from Burlington to
> Jerusalem and camped in the Camel's Hump State Forest.
> <https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-3RjVQ7WAEVo/TlgFrCEVRNI/AAAAAAAABA...>
> This is what I brought:
> Slickersack
> Trangia cookset
> Book to read
> Wiggy's sleeping bag (on top)
> Headlamp
> Coffee setup
> Marinated stir-fry, Eggs, bit of salami, macadamia nuts, larabar, rasberries
> & blueberries, dark chocolate
> Saddlesack
> Hennessy Hammock
> Tools
> Pump
> Fleece Jacket
> Ibex longies
> Spare shirt
> Spare socks
> Opinel knife
> Hozan Y wrench (as this was the first time out with this Sam and these
> racks, thought I may need to make adjustments, and that thing rocks for
> making adjustments to the nitto racks)
> Keven's Bag
> Phone
> Wallet
> Camera
> Pencil
> Crossword Puzzle
> Some things I learned:
>    - The Sam is just fine handling this amount of load.  No sway, felt solid
>    underneath me the whole time.  (for the record, I weigh about 220 lbs, so
>    this is a lot of total weight.  i think the marathon duremes may help with
>    the stable feel of the ride, but it's hard to say).
>    - Riding on the curves of the Albatross bar is 4/5 as good as riding in
>    drops for me.  It got me down out of the wind, and handling was just fine.
>    - The Sam is so much fun on descents, it's one of the most fun things I
>    have ever done.
>    - Leave earlier or ride shorter.  I pushed it and ended up making camp in
>    the dark, it sucked.
>    - Side roads in Vermont can be brutal.  I am fine on long ascents, but
>    the crazy uphill stuff on Vermont dirt roads really takes it out of me.  I
>    ended up walking the bike a fair bit on these, and ended up being way more
>    tired than I would normally be after riding this long.
>    - I don't need so much food.  I ate like half of what I brought.
>    - The trangia cookset is awesome.  My first time using it, and it was
>    solid.  Way way better than just using the little triangle windscreen thing
>    and then cooking in something else.  
>    - I am not much for taking pictures when I am riding.  I brought the
>    camera, but didn't pull it out.  I was also really feeling the pressure of
>    trying to make good time and beat the sunset, so that was part of it.

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