Hi Diane,

I have one comment for you about your choice of “Preferred title of
work” in Scenarios 1 & 2. The titles you have given are:

Bluebeard: a novel
Our collective environment: essays in honor of Pauline Warner

From my reading of RDA, I believe these titles should simply be:


Our collective environment

I think the relevant instruction here is (Title proper of the
original edition), which states:

“If no title of the original language edition is established as being
one by which the work is best known, or in case of doubt, choose the
title proper of the original edition (see 2.3.1) as the preferred title.”

The second part of each of these titles does not seem to me to be part
of the title proper, as is defined in instruction, but instead
are other title information as defined in, and thus do not
belong in the preferred title of the work record.

The texts for these instructions (from the 2005 version of Pt 1, the
latest I can find!) are as follows: Definition
The title proper is the chief title of a resource (i.e., the title
normally used when citing the resource).

For purposes of description, the title proper includes any alternative
title but excludes parallel titles and other title information (see
2.3.2 and 2.3.3).

A file name or data set name is not considered a title proper unless it
is the only title appearing in the resource. Definition
Other title information is information that appears in conjunction with,
and is subordinate to, the title proper of the resource.

Other title information may include any phrase appearing in conjunction
with a title proper, parallel title, or series title that is indicative
of the character, contents, etc., of the resource or the motives for, or
occasion of, its production or publication.

Other title information includes subtitles, avant-titres, etc., but does
not include variations on the title proper (e.g., spine titles, sleeve

I would suggest that the second part of the title for Scenario 2,
“Essays in honor of Pauline Warner” might be a candidate for a variant

Nancy Lorimer

Diane I. Hillmann wrote:

As part of the thinking we've been doing about the DCMI-RDA Task Group
work, I've developed a couple of cataloger scenarios and added them to
the DC-RDA TG wiki: http://www.dublincore.org/dcmirdataskgroup/Scenarios

Please feel free to comment and make suggestions for improvement, and
also send along some additional scenarios if you feel so moved. I can
add them to the wiki, or, if you've put them someplace else, we can link
to them. Unfortunately I can't really open the wiki up to more more
editors (and truly, it's an old version of MoinMoin and has it's own
issues, so you might not want to mess with it).


Nancy Lorimer
Head, Music Technical Services
Stanford Music Library


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