At 10:37 AM 7/21/2008, Ed Jones wrote:
I don't know how many others see the future this way, but when I think
about FRBR and RDA a decade down the road, it's as a structure for
linking resource descriptions and, increasingly, resources.  I imagine
most people will be searching the open web using keywords (in various
increasingly sophisticated and machine-assisted combinations), and
FRBR/RDA will kick in only when they've discovered a resource of
interest.  At that point, FRBR/RDA will present them with the _context_
of their resource, giving them a structured choice among the
expressions/formats in which the resource is available to them
(available based on the user's online identity, which will include their
rights), and other works related in various ways to the resource of
interest that are also available.  In other words, I can see FRBR/RDA
thriving, but I don't see library catalogs (other than possibly as
linking mechanisms to data about a subset of offline resources).

Thanks, Ed.  That's very much the kind of thing I was trying to say in my
posts about the FRBR tasks, but obviously didn't do very well...

Kevin M. Randall
Principal Serials Cataloger
Bibliographic Services Dept.
Northwestern University Library
1970 Campus Drive
Evanston, IL  60208-2300
phone: (847) 491-2939
fax:   (847) 491-4345

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