That's pretty neat stuff Jim.  My Umlaut software approaches from a different 
direction, taking known items (rather than searches) and trying to find 
supplementary in other specific databases; for now mostly focusing on finding 
electronic full-text or searching (which is useful even without full text), but 
also including some actual supplementary info like 'cited by' information for 
journal articles. More sources of supplementary info could be found later. 

Here are some examples. Oh, it's also worth noting that what makes it more 
feasible to do this kind of thing is the numeric identifiers in our records: 
ISBN, ISSN, LCCN, OCLCnum.  And supplementary databases that use those same 
identifiers -- Google Books even has LCCN and OCLCnum in it, for matching. 
Every time somebody cataloging workflow removes useful identifiers like this 
from the record because "we don't need them", or 'our system can't handle 
them', it saddens me.  Likewise, when actual offiial cataloging 'standards' put 
such useful identifiers in uselessly ambiguous places (like sticking valid 
alternate-version ISBNs or ISSNs in a $z subfield!).

From: Resource Description and Access / Resource Description and Access 
[] On Behalf Of Weinheimer Jim 
Sent: Saturday, September 04, 2010 8:58 AM
Subject: Re: [RDA-L] Time and effort

Hal Cain wrote:
Meanwhile the most vexing problem I encounter is not the structure of
the data and how it's encoded, it's the endless duplicate records in
the databases -- and in OCLC's case the non-AACR2 foreign records
which often are the only ones for materials I'm dealing with -- and I
can assure Jim, that those I've already entered are beginning to
attract requests from users.  We must be doing something right.


I wonder how documents figure in the economy of Jim's library?  Not
every information need can be met from documentary resources, but if
the documents don't any longer matter then what's the purpose of the
library to make it different from any other kind of instructional

I guess I am coming off as anti-book, or at least anti-physical resource and 
wildly pro-virtual anything. Actually, I like to think that I am 
"pro-everything", or at least, that I do not want to prefer one format over any 
other. Anybody who comes to my apartment, filled to bursting with books of all 
sorts, with print outs, etc. immediately sees that I am anything except 
anti-book, and I openly declare myself to be an addict.

But, when I, or one of my patrons, or anyone, is reading a book, they need to 
be aware of all sorts of other information around that book. There has always 
been this information, and some of it has been organized, but much more has not 
been, or at least it has been so difficult to find and access that it hasn't 
been worth the trouble.

Here is a concrete example of what I mean: Here is a record for a book "A war 
like no other : how the Athenians and Spartans fought the Peloponnesian War / 
Victor Davis Hanson." In this record, we 
can see links from his heading and the subject to other records that are *only 
within the OCLC database*. That is useful to *those who understand,* but it 
turns out that this fact, which seems very simple, is not understood by many 

But avoiding this difficulty for the moment, these links are far from what is 
out there that people "want or need". One very important resource is a video of 
a lecture he gave about his book that can be watched at But there are book reviews, blog 
entries by academics, and it goes on and on and on. The moment someone enters 
into this microcosm of materials surrounding this book, the interested "reader" 
(for lack of any other word) suddenly steps into a far different world of 
debates, differences of opinion, differences of interpretation, subtleties 
etc., which is incomparably more interesting than the single book he or she 
happens to be holding, where everything is more or less cut and dried. The part 
that goes beyond the book itself is very human, where the authors have to 
answer difficult questions, explain further, change their ideas, etc., and the 
physical book suddenly appears much more limiting and sterile.

Such debates and this "context beyond the item you are holding" has always 
existed, but it was exceptionally difficult to enter into and took a great deal 
of time and money--in fact, so much time and money that people needed to devote 
almost their entire careers to enter it. For example, you could see and 
participate in a debate on such a topic only physically at conferences, and 
this meant, for all practical purposes, that you had to be a professor with 
people paying your expenses. As a consequence, many, many people who may have 
been very interested, were left out completely, but today it is possible for 
each person to enter such microcosms, from the Oxford don to the high school 
student in Ghana.

Can libraries help create these "little microcosms" for people to enter? No, 
not if they insist on doing it alone because it is obviously far too much work. 
But I think we can become a very, very important part of something like this 
that may make a substantive positive difference in people's lives and minds.

How can we do it? There are undoubtedly many ways and at the risk of 
self-advertisement, I will share something I have built. I have tried in my own 
small way to do something like this through my "Extend Search". To see it in 
action, look at the record in my catalog at, and then select 
or highlight the title information and author in the record and a small box 
will pop-up that says Extend Search. Click on that box and you will see a new 
window that has taken your search and you can now apply it to different groups 
of databases I have selected.

Click on "Videos" and you will see some explanation, and continue with the 
search, and your search will be done automatically in Google Video, Internet 
Archive and other places, and you can try some of those. When you click on 
"Educational Videos", you will go to yet another page, where you can click on 
various projects, TED,, etc., and when you click on BookTV, a menu will 
open and you can then click on the box labelled "Keyword", and you will find 
the lecture by Hanson on his book, with other things as well.

This is a work in progress and can certainly be improved although it has 
already evolved quite a bit, with, I admit, a bit of devolution along the way. 
I think it is still a bit too complicated, even though I have simplified it a 
lot and placed tutorials everywhere "Two-Minute Tutorials". In spite of its 
drawbacks, I have at least attempted to create this "intellectual microcosm" 
and lots of my patrons find it useful, and some even find it exciting. One 
woman who recently got her PhD found it "frightening" that there was so much!

So, I do not intend to devalue the physical document in any way, and it is too 
bad that some are getting that impression. My focus is to to build on the 
fabulous materials that are being produced, no matter what format they may 
take, that will provide more meaning to those who are interested.

James L. Weinheimer
Director of Library and Information Services
The American University of Rome
Rome, Italy
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