110 RDA change:  Spell out "Dept."  (This was in AACR2 but not

Spell it out IF the corporate body spells it out. If the agency uses an abbreviation such as Dept. in its name, the authorized access point would still be established with the abbreviated form.

111 RDA change: Give full name of conference as on item, e.g.,
"Annual ..."

Again, this is an oversimplification. Frequency is retained, but not number or year in the name. The change is not to use the full name in the preferred name for the conference, it's to retain frequency in the preferred name.

7XX analytics

RDA adds |icontains (work), or |icontains (expression) before |a.
This may confuse patrons, and create split files; consider not
assigning and supression in display.

Actually, these designators do not need to be used at all in MARC records, because the second indicator value of "2" in the 7XX MARC tag already conveys the information about the relationship.

245|c RDA change: may transcribe all authors, regardless of number,
but may transcribe fewer followed by [and # others].  In the case of a
compilation with supplied title, transcribe statements of
responsibilities after titles in 505.  Transcribe degrees, titles,
"Jr.", "Rev.", "the late", etc.; but not "Dame" nor "Sir".

I don't know why you say not "Dame" nor "Sir". Statements of responsibility are transcribed as they appear. The instruction says "Transcribe a statement of responsibility in the form in which it appears on the source of information." And one of the examples given there is:

by Sir Richard Acland

250 RDA change: transcribe rather than abbreviate, e.g., 250  |aSecond
edition.  Only use abbreviations if in the item.  This result in the
unacceptable to some double period after an abbreviation, e.g., "ed.."

What you say here is correct, but somewhere else I saw that you were going to convert the AACR2 2nd ed. to Second edition. This presumes that the resource says "Second" on it, when it may very well say "2nd". I wouldn't feel comfortable converting the ordinal number to its spelled out form.

260 RDA change: Transcribe all places of publication in repeating |a;
transcribe full names of publishers.  RDA moves needed jurisdiction
to 500, as opposed to bracketed in 260|a.

Only the first named place is required.

Bracket adjacent element in the same field, e.g., 260 |a[S.l.

In MARC, there is no period at the end of the 260 field if it ends in a bracket.

*RDA directs that the copyright sign be used, or copyright be spelled
out, rather than "c".

Also the phonogram copyright symbol (P) is used rather than p.

300 Abbreviations such as "p.", "v.", "ill.", spelled out; cm without
period considered a symbol, not an abbreviation; "in." still allowed.

The principle here is that measurements (in., min., rpm) will still be abbreviated. Metric symbols such as cm, m, km, etc. do not include a period after them unless the field ends in a period.

490|v RDA change: Transcribe as found rather than abbreviate, e.g.,
|vvolume ...

Well not completely as found. All uppercase could be transcribed as all lowercase, for example.

600  RDA change: Includes all personal names, e.g., fictitious
persons, God.

It does not include RDA family names (which are coded as personal names). LC policy is that these may not be used as subjects, only as 100 and 700 access points. For subjects, LCSH policy is to use a more general/generic family name heading from the subject authority file.

700 RDA change: *May* trace all authors as opposed to only 2nd and
3rd, but only first, translator of poety, illustrator of children's
material required.  The |erelation designator was not assigned during
the test period.

It may not have been assigned by LC, but it certainly was used by other testers.

* Adam L. Schiff * * Principal Cataloger *
* University of Washington Libraries *
* Box 352900                         *
* Seattle, WA 98195-2900             *
* (206) 543-8409 * * (206) 685-8782 fax * * asch...@u.washington.edu * **************************************

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