Yes, you need to understand the domain model, but what you need to produce good metadata are also rules that are structured the way the work flows. I'm sure you have a cataloging code until you have both.

Please do not tell me to consult the workflows; if you are making a cataloging code, the rules should be structured not according to a theoretical model but to facilitate the production of metadata, in other words, the very nitty-gritty contact between any model or rules and the varieties and perversities of the ways information resources present themselves.

Over the years of cataloging everything from incunabula to web sites, I have found that descriptive cataloging is not nearly as mindless or clerk-level as you imply. I found that cataloging materials for a research library used all of the skills I developed getting my Ph.D. and then some.

Dealing with the development of principles has been interesting as well. Each successive code has involved principles and, especially since Lubetzky, has involved more careful articulation of those principles. AACR2 was structured on some basic principles and worked pretty well for the 20 years after 1978, even though much was not fully thought through. We'll see about RDA; it looks more hospitable to change of framework.

Laurence S. Creider
Special Collections Librarian
New Mexico State University
Las Cruces, NM  88003
Work: 575-646-7227
Fax: 575-646-7477

follow the domain model step by step to produce the me
On Wed, 16 Mar 2011, Jonathan Rochkind wrote:

We need professional catalogers who think of themselves as participants in systems design, who everyone realizes have to understand the design of the system, yeah.

If what we have instead are mostly minimum wage clerks who are expected only to follow very specific rules, without using much judgement and without being expected to understand the system they are entering data into -- well, I don't blame catalogers, I blame the administrators for deprofessionalizing and decimating cataloging offices.

But, yes, in order to create good quality metadata, you need to understand the domain model it is being created towards. There is really no getting around this, I don't think. I mean, maybe more clear instructions based on the rational model-based instructions can be created, that can be used for clerks -- but you have to start with the model-based instructions. If you start-and-end with nothing but literal rules, you end up with lots of people following the rules, but metadata that doesn't neccesarily make any sense, especially for machine processing. Remember when RDA promissed to try to be "principle-based"? Yeah, that's got to do with the model too.

If it is difficult to understand what RDA is on about without understanding the domain model it is based on (FRBR, or it's specific version of FRBR), I consider that a feature, not a bug. Not that this is a good thing, but that if it weren't so it would mean RDA had done something wrong and wasn't principles-based, or rationalized to a formal model, after all.

But yes, RDA tries to juggle many competing goals, and I'm not sure how well it's come out. The text could certainly be more readable. (And I certainly agree that it's a problem for any kind of 'standard' to be available only behind an expensive paywall; that is not the way to get adoption). But even if it were perfect, if it did what it set out to do, then, yes, you'd still have to understand the model to use it effectively and understand it.

Catalogers are metadata professionals who ought to be able to operate at the level of a 'metadata designer'. If they're not, if that world is gone, and catalogers are simply meant to paint by numbers in a book created by "designers", then, yeah, I guess RDA was created for a bygone (maybe never existed?) world, and is inappropriate for the actually existing deprofessionalized world, with RDA's attempt to be principles-based and count on catalogers to use their professional judgements.

On 3/16/2011 4:44 PM, Laurence Creider wrote:
 Thank you so much; this is very clear and helpful.  I think your response
 also crystallizes the problem many have with RDA.  That is to say, your
 explanation is at the level of the model and is of very little use to
 someone who is in the process of describing a resource.  The information
 is there, but is not easily findable by the user.  RDA seems somewhat like
 most user's manuals, which are generally constructed from the point of
 view of what the designer thinks the system should do and not from that of
 the user who wants to do something, frequently something quite different.

 As I have watched the development of RDA over the last decade or more, it
 seems to me that we have watched what was intended as a replacement for
 AACR2 become a tool designed to facilitate the interchange of
 bibliographical data between different types of platforms by being more
 granular and systematic (among other things) in the way data are recorded.
 This is a laudable task, even necessary, if libraries are to remain useful
 to their community of users.  This new task, however, is not what a
 cataloging code is designed to do.  What RDA may yet end up being is
 satisfactory neither to practicing catalogers nor to the systems thinkers
 who need to keep our work from being isolated and outdated.

 Conceptually, RDA brings many exciting developments or potential
 developments to catalogers, such as better ability to identify versions of
 works and better abilities to link resources.  It would be nice to see a
 cataloging code that is understands and uses the RDA framework, but I am
 not sure we are there yet.

 Laurence S. Creider
 Special Collections Librarian
 New Mexico State University
 Las Cruces, NM  88003
 Work: 575-646-7227
 Fax: 575-646-7477

 On Wed, 16 Mar 2011, Brenndorfer, Thomas wrote:

>  _______________________________________
> From: Resource Description and Access / Resource Description and Access > [RDA-L@LISTSERV.LAC-BAC.GC.CA] On Behalf Of J. McRee Elrod > []
>  Sent: March-16-11 11:51 AM
>  Subject: Re: [RDA-L] RDA "draft"
> > > > If there is a mnemonic feature to RDA numbering, I've not figured it
> >  out.
> There is a mnemonic structure to RDA, as well as repeating patterns that > are very useful to grasp. The logic flows from an entity-relationship > analysis which should make cataloging data more intelligible to database > builders. We look at each "thing" -- each entity -- and then we look at > how they connect together. > > The overall structure for all the sections in RDA is: > 1) entities, which are divided into groups of elements organized by the > primary user task (identify, select, obtain-- where applicable)
>  2) relationships between those entities
> > Each group of entities has a General Guidelines chapter, and there is a > mnemonic structure beginning each section:
>  x.0 - Scope
>  x.1 - Terminology
>  x.2 - Functional Objectives and Principles
>  x.3 - Core Elements
>  x.4 - Language and Script
> followed by conventions and elements that are common to all the entities > in the particular section > > Each entity follows a pattern where groups of elements are organized by > user task: > > Manifestation& Item
>  - elements used to Identify the entity
>  - elements used to Select the entity
>  - elements used to Obtain the entity
> > Work& Expression
>  - elements used to Identify the entity
>  - elements used to Select the entity
> > Person, Family, Corporate Body
>  - elements used to Identify the entity
> > Place
>  - elements used to Identify the entity
> > For elements used to identify, there are guidelines at the end of each > respective chapter on how to contruct authorized access points to > represent those entities. This is quite a change from AACR2, where the > comparable rules are primarily for constructing "headings". In RDA, the > individual elements of each entity are reviewed first, and only as a > secondary step is the construction of headings ("authorized access > points") brought up. > > "Authorized access point" is the common name for headings, and main > entry strings for works and expressions, which are treated as special > constructions to represent the entity. "Identifiers" (control numbers, > URIs, and so) are the other method of representing entities. > > So for the task of "identifying" there are three very important > distinctions that are used in the organization of the respective > chapters:
>  1) individual elements that help users identify an entity
>  2) identifiers such as control numbers
>  3) authorized access points
> > This is a useful separation to understand, since it reflects the > different ways in which we can represent an entity. It doesn't have to > be an authorized access point (a "heading"). It can be an identifier > (which works better for machine processing). Or it can be a cluster of > elements for the Entity grouped together and displayed on the screen as > such. > > For relationships between entities, a similar mnemonic structure occurs > for the General Guidelines chapter for each set of relationships: > > x.0 - Scope
>  x.1 - Terminology
>  x.2 - Functional Objectives and Principles
>  x.3 - Core Elements
> x.4 - Recording Relationships (the conventions used to represent > entities in the relationship elements) > > followed by additional conventions and elements that are common to all > the relationships in the particular section, including > x.5 - covers Relationship Designators, which are listed in full in the > Appendices > > All relationships follow a basic pattern: > > Element for relationship + Convention used to represent Entity + > Optional Relationship Designator > > Example for relationship between Work and Person entities:
>  Element -- creator
> Value -- Hemingway, Ernest, 1899-1961 [convention used is "authorized > access point"]
>  Designator -- author
> > Example for relationship between Work and Work entities:
>  Element -- related work
> Value -- Curriculum report (Reston, Va.) [convention used is "authorized > access point"]
>  Designator -- absorbed
> > Example for relationship between Person and Corporate Body entities > [Corporate Body is "Miles Davis Quartet"]:
>  Element -- related person
>  Value -- Davis, Miles [convention used is "authorized access point"]
>  Designator -- founder
> > All RDA relationships follow this basic pattern. These relationships are > mapped into MARC fields in numerous ways, because MARC uses a large > variety of conventions to record relationships. RDA, by comparison, and > once the pattern is understood, uses a very straightforward, > predictable, and often mnemonic structure. > > Thomas Brenndorfer
>  Guelph Public Library

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