Mac Elrod wrote:

> Except that RDA does not require the 7XX for the book/movie in the
> record for the other be justified in the description.  The
> relationship may be in a 7XX$i, which the OPAC may or may not display.

Sound to me like a problem with the OPAC, not with the cataloging rules.

Actually, RDA is not talking about either "7XX" or that something be
"justified in the description".  RDA says that you record the relationship,
and gives several options, one of which in our current cataloging
environment is accomplished by using 7XX with subfield $i for the
relationship designator.  The RDA guidelines could just as well (although
with *FAR* less utility!) be followed in a MARC record by using a 5XX note.
It would be equally as "legal" to use both 5XX and 7XX, but that is
redundancy that we should work toward eliminating.  If the preferred name of
the related resource in the 7XX is identical to the form that would be used
in a 5XX note, then the use of 7XX $i is exactly the same as a 5XX note for
the purpose of *recording* the relationship; using 5XX adds nothing in a
case like this.

Kevin M. Randall
Principal Serials Cataloger
Bibliographic Services Dept.
Northwestern University Library
1970 Campus Drive
Evanston, IL  60208-2300
phone: (847) 491-2939
fax:   (847) 491-4345

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