Mac (and others):

I didn't mean that the Digital Strategist was right--obviously, as a
cataloger, I know the contrary. Just that that is often the opinion of
those "movers and shakers", and I don't see how we can convince them that
a: their glib assumptions are wrong, and b: it still matters to people what
we do. I know that digital strategy etc. is in control here in NYPL, and
they have similar viewpoints. Given this attitude that's prevalent, if not
universal, among library administrations, I don't think any rule set is
going to change their minds. And certainly insular intra-cataloging debates
won't touch them. Hence the depression.

Deborah Tomaras, NACO Coordinator
Librarian II
Western European Languages Team
New York Public Library
Library Services Center
31-11 Thomson Ave.
Long Island City, N.Y. 11101
(917) 229-9561

Disclaimer: Alas, my ideas are merely my own, and not indicative of New
York Public Library policy.

  From: (J. McRee Elrod)                                   
  Date:       04/11/2011 12:33 PM                                               
  Subject:    Re: [RDA-L] FRBR                                                  

Debirah Tomares said:
>Her vision includes librarians facilitating discovery of "soft
>sources" of information (her words), as opposed to "authoritative [i.e.,
>published] sources". In doing so, she said (roughly paraphrasing): "Those
>sources all have records in OCLC anyway ...

Of the special libraries for which we catalogue, up to 50% of
materials  do not have derviced records.  for aggrigators about 50%,
and  for electronic publishers, none do.  What she says may apply to
Pocunkville Public, but not to major and specilized collections.

   __       __   J. McRee (Mac) Elrod (
  {__  |   /     Special Libraries Cataloguing   HTTP://
  ___} |__ \__________________________________________________________

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