"I cannot wait for the day when (assuming we do implement RDA) instead of a 
blank template in OCLC that we have to encode in MARC, we get a screen which 
prompts us to fill in values for RDA elements.  Catalogers shouldn't need to 
know the behind the scenes coding and communication standard, we should just 
have to supply the metadata.  If we need the record to be output in MARC, the 
system should be able to do that for us.  But I hope we will get to the point 
where we are creating records in OCLC or other systems just by recording data 
for each core RDA element and for other elements that our 
communities/cooperative programs/individual agencies/cataloger judgment deems 
important.  Give me check boxes to indicate what types of illustrations the 
resource has.  Let me use identifiers for entities so that I don't have to copy 
or key long character strings and so if the authorized form of access point for 
the entity changes, all my records that point to it will automatically get the 
revised form.  Now how do we get OCLC and system vendors to develop these 
tools?  Well we first need to make an implementation decision and then see what 
we can push for I think."

That would all be great, and I think most of what Adam describes could be 
delivered by ILS vendors today or at least very soon. And that's the 
significant doubt I have about it: nothing has been keeping ILS vendors from 
creating more advanced systems other than perhaps their security in the idea 
that they don't have to make the effort to stay in business. We should indeed 
see what we can push for. If adopting RDA facilitates making ILS vendors 
responsive, so much the better, but up to now they haven't shown a great deal 
of interest in quantum improvements.

Also: "assuming we do implement RDA"? Can anyone imagine a cataloging world 
post-non-implementation? Regardless of any amount of sentiment against RDA, I 
have a hard time imagining those who have worked so hard for so long to make 
RDA a reality accepting a decision not to implement. Perhaps my belief that it 
is not a done deal is faltering.

Mike Tribby
Senior Cataloger
Quality Books Inc.
The Best of America's Independent Presses


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