RDA should be delayed because it didn't change AACR2 _enough_ for your tastes, because it left some AACR2 practices intact that you think should be changed? That's not a reason to delay a standard. That's ridiculous. If you wait until RDA is perfect in the judgement of everyone involved, it will never be released at all. Which I understand may be some people's preference, but come on.

On 5/10/2011 12:36 PM, J. McRee Elrod wrote:
Thomas said:

It would make sense then for religious works to follow the same pattern, wh=
ich would mean the Preferred Title for Genesis could be

"Genesis" instead of "Bible. Genesis"
Very true.  How nice to agree with Thomas for a change.  It is
Christian bias which has "Bible. Genesis" as opposed to "Torah.
Genesis".  Genesis was in the Torah  centuries before it entered the
Christian Bible.  Just "Genesis" is a faith neutral compromise.

This is one of many areas in which old practices were carried forward,
by RDA, rather than being revised to agree with the overall RDA principles
stated.  RDA should be delayed until these matters are addressed.

    __       __   J. McRee (Mac) Elrod (m...@slc.bc.ca)
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