Quoting John Attig <jx...@psu.edu>:

John, thank you so much -- this is very helpful. Wonderful, even.

Access points are treated rather strangely in RDA. The access point is not itself an element, but is a construct made up of other elements, which contains instructions about what and when to include various elements in an access point.

That actually makes sense from a data design point of view. It means that compound "things" can be built up of simple "things", and that means that you have flexibility in what you can build. (read: tinker-toys, or, for the younger set, Legos)

In our discussions of the question of how to treat access points, the JSC was advised that there were certain structural complexities that we should not attempt to build into the RDA element set, but should rely on the encoding to bring together the various elements into the access point construct.

Here I want to point out that there can be a useful difference between your data elements, data model and your instance data. Your data elements can be atomistic, your data model can allow building of various "molecules" from the atoms, and your instance data can make use of the whole in many different ways.

In MARC, we are accustomed to using subfields to encode the specific data elements and fields to wrap them up into an ordered construct. Similarly, in XML, one would expect to use some sort of "wrapper" to enclose all the elements that make up the access point. In order to do this, I suspect that one needs to treat the access point construct as if it were an element, even if the RDA element set does not treat it as such.

I could also imagine that happening in an application layer. Without any change in the underlying data there could be different interpretations -- I usually call them "views" -- of the data. [Your last para states this very well; see below] But the key thing is that by not having the individual elements bound into the RDA complex elements you have freed the "sub-elements" from that structure, and they can be used in various ways if desired. In a situation where the only way to express "date of expression" is in an access point, you have restricted that data element (which may be of interest for other reasons) to that one situation.

The more I look at RDA as elements the more I admire the separation of data content from record structure. This gives us many more possibilities for system developers.

Beyond these technical issues, this discussion raises questions about the way in which access points are constructed and used.

a) The instructions on what to include in an access point represents our collective experience of what is important for uniquely identifying a given entity. There seems to be some value in gathering all these elements together for indexing and display as an aggregation of identifying information.

Yes, and that should be possible.

b) While it is true that the individual elements are sufficient for finding relevant resources and don't need to be aggregated in a precoordinated way in order to work, I would argue that finding, identifying, and selecting relevant resources is sometimes best supported by browsing an alphabetical list of access points that are constructed in a way that reveals the structure of the things being browsed. Examples might be an alphabetical display of hierarchical entities such as corporate bodies, or an organized sequence of headings representing works and expressions. We may not NEED access points, but they can sure be helpful on occasion.

I think this becomes a system efficiency question rather than a "meaning" question. At what point do systems need to manage these strings for the most efficient use? Is it easier to create them automatically in case they are needed, storing the data in multiple places? Or will there be a reason to bring this data together "on the fly"?

I don't think we need to answer that at this point, but I would like to suggest that it would be ideal to begin to develop "use cases." Use cases state a situation (user is looking for xyz), and what you would like the outcome to be (user gets/sees/is asked for...). There amy be more than one way to do this. You have included a use case here in suggesting an alphabetical display. There are undoubtedly search and find use cases related to this information (user wants bookX but only in Spanish), etc. Since a system should attempt to satisfy a variety of use cases, this would help me (and maybe other systems developers/thinkers) to understand the range of services we want to get out of this data.

In essence, the data as input should not be considered to be the same as the strings that the user will see. It was so, often, in MARC, but that was kind of a throw-back to the card days. Today one designs user interfaces and services BEFORE defining the data structure. The atoms of RDA will hopefully be easier to work with in systems than the pre-coordinated display strings of MARC, but we still need to define the services we wish our data to support.

d) While many of us are skeptical of the ability of algorithms to create such structured access points automatically, it is certainly worth the attempt.

This might be a good place to start in terms of use cases -- what can be done to fulfill user needs that structured access points fulfill today?

If there could be a clear set of objectives for the exercise, algorithms might in fact be possible, bringing together relevant elements and arranging them in a significant order to form the access points. Even better, it might be possible to (i) offer different options for sequencing the elements -- sorting first by language or by format, for example -- and/or (ii) work in real time to formulate the best way of sequencing a given result set. Catalogers tend to resist giving up their hand-crafted headings, but that tends to be because they are not offered attractive alternatives. What I suggested above seems to be such an attractive alternative.

Yes, this is great. It really expresses the possibilities.


        John Attig
        Authority Control Librarian
        Penn State University

Karen Coyle
kco...@kcoyle.net http://kcoyle.net
ph: 1-510-540-7596
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

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