05.08.2011 00:36, Karen Coyle:

> John Attig:
> Access points are treated rather strangely in RDA. The access
> point is not itself an element, but is a construct made up of other
> elements, which contains instructions about what and when to
> include various elements in an access point.

 That actually makes sense from a data design point of view. It means
 that compound "things" can be built up of simple "things", and that
 means that you have flexibility in what you can build. (read:
 tinker-toys, or, for the younger set, Legos)

Very important indeed, but elementary for any data technician.
Not quite so for those who have been raised on AACR+MARC. They
find it "strange", as John seems to indicate. Why is that so?
Starting out from the mental image of MARC,
one may find it "natural" that everything that can be accessed in
a search must be recorded in some data field, and exactly in the
way it is needed for the access. This notion needs to be shattered.
It has led to such extremes that, for instance, in authority
records you have 53 variant names, each and every one of them
carrying the same dates for that person. The access points for
the variant names can, however, easily be contructed out of
a name field plus a date field - the latter always the same.

MARC derives from the requirements of card printing. There, each
"heading" (access point in the card catalog) had to be complete
and correctly formed as part of the record. This is no longer
true, and has never been true in data processing systems:

1. Headings can be constructed out of arbitrary elements,
   they need not be stored as monolithic strings inside the record

2. New access points can be constructed that had never been
   possible in card catalogs. All kinds of combinations and
   reformattings of field contents can be programmed, no need
   to have every access point prepared in advance and stored
   in its own field. For example, extract the publisher's name
   out of the 260 and remove certain particles from it, and then
   get the date out of the fixed fields to make a useful index
   entry (access point) like  "name:date"

This is easy to understand, but as a consequence, the rules, and
thus the data model, will become more abstract and more difficult
to understand. But maybe only for someone who has been brought up
on the notions of the card catalog and later those of MARC. For
someone with a background in abstract data structures, John Attig's
clarifications are no surprise at all.

One more reason, one might think, to get rid of MARC ASAP.
Not really, though. Firstly, because it is utterly unrealistic,
and second. because MARC is flexible enough to be used in
new software applications that do new tricks with the old
stuff AND are able to deal with some new data elements in
novel ways. It is not the worst of ideas to look at the
additions Germans and Austrians have thought up for their
MARC dialect. It will allow us to continue with our
scenario 2 applications as they are long since in operation,
and the further step to scenario 1, if at all necessary and
useful, would not be very difficult either.
We are not using MARC internally, and are not going to, but
our internal formats are no less complex. They are only not
rooted in the mental image of the card.


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