Quoting James Weinheimer <weinheimer.ji...@gmail.com>:

Why did you choose that structure? Is it a more efficient use of computer resources?

To begin with, I'm just an observer of the Open Library development, not a designer, so I can't give any detail on the WHY of things. You can, however, see the guts by going to


This is a list of all of the structures and data elements. The two most relevant here are:

http://openlibrary.org/type/edition  -- the manifestation/expression
http://openlibrary.org/type/work   -- the work

There are links in each to the other, as you can see there. Obviously, how you handle the links will depend on your database management system and your record structure and the flow of search and display.

The use of uniform titles that I demonstrated is part of the application that merges editions into works. That is buried somewhere in the github repo:


Finding particular areas of the code isn't easy, but if you want that kind of thing, it's all there. My guess is that it's somewhere in this path:



Karen Coyle
kco...@kcoyle.net http://kcoyle.net
ph: 1-510-540-7596
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

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