Zore Breeding said:

>My only comment, and I am even less than a novice, is to ask whether it is =
>an RDA practice to use semicolons instead of commas between performers in t=
>he 511?
As in 245/$c, use commas between people who do the same thing, and
semicolons between people who do different things.  Thus a book's
245/$c author would be separated from illustrator by space semicolon
space, as would a film's writer from director in 508.  For films, most
in 511 are actors, so have commas.  But a music CD which lists players
with instruments, IMNSHO should have space semicolon space between
those playing different instruments.

   __       __   J. McRee (Mac) Elrod (m...@slc.bc.ca)
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