RDA 2.11
7597>  says "Copyright date is a core element if neither the date of
publication nor the date of distribution is identified"


But see LC-PCC PS for for detailed guidance:

s2-1467> &target=lcps2-1467#lcps2-1467




-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  

Deborah Fritz

TMQ, Inc.





-----Original Message-----
From: mco...@library.wisc.edu [mailto:mco...@library.wisc.edu] 
Sent: Friday, January 11, 2013 11:28 AM
To: Resource Description and Access / Resource Description and Access
Cc: Deborah Fritz
Subject: Re: [RDA-L] question about dates in 264 fields


If you use the copyright date to supply the date in 264_1, and adding the
copyright date is optional, are there any circumstances under which
transcription of the copyright date is mandatory?


On 1/11/2013 9:49 AM, Deborah Fritz wrote:

> *From:*Resource Description and Access / Resource Description and 

> Access [ <mailto:RDA-L@LISTSERV.LAC-BAC.GC.CA>
mailto:RDA-L@LISTSERV.LAC-BAC.GC.CA] *On Behalf Of *Arakawa, 

> Steven

> *Sent:* Friday, January 11, 2013 10:39 AM


> [SA]<if you have a bracketed date in 264 _1 based on the copyright 

> date, the 264 _4 is optional, if I'm interpreting LC PCC PS correctly>


> */[DF:] Yes, if you use the copyright date to supply the date in 

> 264_1, then adding the copyright date is optional, but I think it is a 

> good thing to add it, as long as the copyright date is 

> straightforward. /*


> *//*


> */Deborah/*


> *//*


> - - - - - - - -


> Deborah Fritz


> TMQ, Inc.


>  <mailto:debo...@marcofquality.com> debo...@marcofquality.com <
<mailto:debo...@marcofquality.com> mailto:debo...@marcofquality.com>


>  <http://www.marcofquality.com> www.marcofquality.com <
<http://www.marcofquality.com> http://www.marcofquality.com>





Michael L. Cohen

Interim Head, Cataloging Department

General Library System

University of Wisconsin-Madison             

324C Memorial Library                                   

728 State Street

Madison, WI 53706-1494

Phone: (608) 262-3246    Fax: (608) 262-4861

Email:  <mailto:mco...@library.wisc.edu> mco...@library.wisc.edu


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