Ben said:

>I still don't understand why the JSC saw fit to get rid of the
>device, "[sic]" ,for bringing attention to known typos or other
>minor mistakes in the title.  I think most users understand what it
>means, even the ones who don't know Latin.

Ben, I agree with you absolutely that removing the practice of
correcting in situ was a mistake, but I think the reason is simple.  
RDA envisions harvesting data and using it as found, thus the
acceptance of strange capitalization.

I don't get it.  It is more labour intensive to work around this
lacuna than to apply it.

If we do move to dispersed data collected from the cloud, the form of
the transcribed title will be outside our control.  I don't look
forward to that day.

Some clients spell check their records, and ask for corrections, even
when the alternate spelling to which they object is on the title page.  
Having that "[sic]" tells us whether to do a 246 or change the 245.  
As outsourcers we can't go pull the item off the shelf to check.  We
may have to start asking for scans before we "correct" a 245.

   __       __   J. McRee (Mac) Elrod (
  {__  |   /     Special Libraries Cataloguing   HTTP://
  ___} |__ \__________________________________________________________

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