Robert Maxwell posted:

>The one core relationship in RDA is to record the relationship
between the resource being cataloged and the work manifested in it
(see RDA 17.3). There are several ways to do this. One of the ways to
do it is by using an authorized access point for the work ...

A poster objected to Exit to Eden / Anne Rice writing as Ann Rampling
being entered under Rice, while the original manifestation remained
under Rampling, on the grounds that this was as if it were a different

RDA is going to produce a lot of that: earlier edition under title,
later under first author; earlier edition of treaty under title, later
under first nation.  Retrospective change for those will be difficult.  
"Authorized access point" for works will vary without a lot of
retrospective change, or carrying over earlier forms for later editions.

The Koran/Qur'an and Bible N.T/O.T. will be much easier to address
retrospectively than changes in choice of main/prime entry for
different manifestations of the same work.  Those changes will also
produce differing 6XX and 7XX for the same work, not to mention
bibliographic citations.

   __       __   J. McRee (Mac) Elrod (
  {__  |   /     Special Libraries Cataloguing   HTTP://
  ___} |__ \__________________________________________________________

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