Ben posted:

>"edited by J. Garland, Cambridge Carbonates UK, J.E. Neilson, University of=
> Aberdeen, UK, S.E. Laubach, University of Texas at Austin, USA and K.J. Wh=
>idden, USGS, USA"

Ben, I agree that this is more complicated and harder to read the a
statement omitting the affiliations.

It might be easier to understand if properly punctuated.  A semicolon
used without preceding space is not forbidden by ISBD punctuation

edited by J. Garland, Cambridge Carbonates UK; J.E. Neilson, University of=
 Aberdeen, UK; S.E. Laubach, University of Texas at Austin, USA; and K.J. Wh=
idden, USGS, USA.

A semicolon is substituted for a comma when there are internal commas.

_Chicago Manual of Style_ 4th ed. 5.32 & 5.93 (for that semicolon
before "and".

I would prefer following CMS as opposed to introducing parentheses,
although CMS 5.44 and 15.53 might suggest parentheses. Unless
parentheses are on the source, semicolons seem less alteration.

   __       __   J. McRee (Mac) Elrod (
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