It may not be the same as AACR2 but it has the same gist (gyst?): don't
include any unnecesary verbiage that does not add to the reponsible agent.
This would include personal names that have forename and surname.  When
surname is only available and a title is present, use it.

When corporate bodies are involved, unless there will be ambiguity, there
is no need to add corporation language (Inc, Cie, Ltd., etc.)

On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 12:06 PM, Lisa Hatt <> wrote:

> On 3/12/2013 9:07 AM, Benjamin A Abrahamse <> wrote:
> > But states, "Transcribe a statement of responsibility in the
> > form in which it appears on the source of information."  Immediately
> > followed by the "optional omission", "Abridge a statement of
> > responsibility only if it can be abridged without loss of essential
> > information."  I have looked in vain for something similar to AACR2
> > 1.1F7., "Include titles and abbreviations of titles of nobility,
> > address, honour, and distinction ... Otherwise, omit all such data
> > from statements of responsibility", and not found it.
> I suppose the question is, then, is such information as affiliations and
> and titles considered "essential" and thus required to be included? And
> what purpose should we have in mind when determining what information is
> "essential" - making a perfectly faithful reproduction of what's on the
> t.p.? or just identification of the resource in general?
> --
> Lisa Hatt
> Cataloging
> De Anza College Library
> 408-864-8459

Gene Fieg
Cataloger/Serials Librarian
Claremont School of Theology

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