A question was filed with lchelp4...@loc.gov as to whether or not a dust jacket of a print resource that consisted of pages was considered, in the course of RDA cataloguing, to be within the resource. PSD responded on June 12, 2012 as follows:

   Our interpretation has been that the jacket is not considered
   part of the resource.

Hideyuki Morimoto
Japanese Cataloger
C.V. Starr East Asian Library
300 Kent Hall, mail code 3901
Columbia University                         Voice:  +1-212-854-1510
1140 Amsterdam Ave.                         Fax:    +1-212-662-6286
New York, NY  10027
U.S.A.                        Electronic Mail:  hm2...@columbia.edu

On Fri, 29 Mar 2013, Deborah Fritz wrote:

Under AACR there was an LCRI that basically said we were not to consider
information coming from a dust jacket as coming from a prescribed source of
information (presumably because it could get lost)


A ?Quick Search? of RDA has not turned up any mention of a dust jacket
(except in an example under ?Item? data), so I am wondering whether this
bias against the dust jacket still remains.


It is not listed at (Resources Consisting of One or More Pages,
Leaves, Sheets, or Cards (or Images of One or More Pages, Leaves, Sheets, or
Cards); unless it is now to be considered a cover, even though it is not
actually attached to the resource.


It is also not listed at 2.4.2 (Other Sources of Information) not even in


I?m inclined to think of it like ?accompanying material? (2.2.4.a) and so
treat it as an ?Other Source of Information?.


Does anyone have any official word, or any thoughts on this?





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Deborah Fritz

TMQ, Inc.




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