Thanks, John ... this helps.

As a follow up question ...

in the instance where I am pretty sure that the item was published in 2013,
but there is no hint of a date anywhere ... is it OK for the cataloger to

246 _1 $a xxx : $b yyy : $c [2013?]

Thanks kindly for your patience,

On Fri, Jun 14, 2013 at 10:41 AM, Myers, John F. <> wrote:

>  Julie Moore wrote:
> Yes, it was the [197-?] scenario that I was thinking of, where there is
> nothing that tells you any kind of a date ... but you have the feeling that
> it was probably made in the 70s ... possibly just based on your own
> experience. I've been searching all over the place in RDA trying to find
> that ... so it's good to know that it simply is not there. As you say, one
> can always use the [between 1970 and 1979?] approach.
> --------------------------------------------------------
> It is there.  RDA guidance 1.9.2 for Supplied Dates applies, as referenced
> in “Date of Publication not Identified in a Single-Part Resource”
> In particular:
>  Probable Range of Years
>     If the probable date falls within a range of years, record the range.
> Record between, followed by the earliest probable year, then and the latest
> probable year, followed by a question mark.
> [between 1846 and 1853?]
> [between 1800 and 1899?]
> [between 1970 and 1979?]
> [between 1400 and 1600?]
> John F. Myers, Catalog Librarian
> Schaffer Library, Union College
> Schenectady NY 12308
> 518-388-6623

Julie Renee Moore
Head of Cataloging
California State University, Fresno

“Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from
themselves.”... James Matthew Barrie

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