And how does WorldShare's idea of continual updating of our catalogs fit
into this picture?

On Fri, Jul 26, 2013 at 12:10 PM, Gene Fieg <> wrote:

> Yay, team!
> On Fri, Jul 26, 2013 at 8:58 AM, J. McRee Elrod <> wrote:
>> James said:
>> >... we have seen >lots and lots of discussion among catalogers about
>> >the "D" (Description) but relatively little about "A" (Access).
>> Perhaps because RDA says nothing about indexing and display, both
>> vital for access?
>> >... what about new methods of access *using the data we already
>> >have*?
>> Yes, what we most need is development of ILS/OPACs, as opposed to new
>> rules or a new coding scheme.
>> I seem to recall a story of two medieval stone masons being asked what
>> they were doing.  One replied that he was chipping at a stone.  The
>> other replied that he was building a cathedral.  As cataloguers, we
>> need to stop just chippping stones, and return to cathedral building,
>> a task we abandoned to the automation folk when we moved from card
>> catalogues.  Our task should be to build catalogues, not just create
>> bibliographic records.
>>    __       __   J. McRee (Mac) Elrod (
>>   {__  |   /     Special Libraries Cataloguing   HTTP://
>>   ___} |__ \__________________________________________________________
> --
> Gene Fieg
> Cataloger/Serials Librarian
> Claremont School of Theology
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Gene Fieg
Cataloger/Serials Librarian
Claremont School of Theology

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