I don't mean to be offensive; not to demean the hard work that has gone into
(and the ongoing work) making RDA .. But, RDA is a nonsense! It's about
cataloguing the sake of cataloguing! I has nothing to do with access, or the
user! Looking at this forum, and a couple of others; the discussion by
"cataloguers" - and I recognize "names" who I would consider have experience
of, and know their cataloguing seems to me to suggest that nobody really
seems to know what they're on about! That disturbs me, a lot! I would like
to know how those of you who can "explain" to the rest of what the 33x
fields are all about (and to be honest those explanations are far too wordy
for me to follow!) .. How do you explain them to your users, you know the
folks who actually want to find stuff! Who don't want, or have the time to
read through the equivalent of a 1,000 page manual (that at times looks as
if t was put together by Lewis Carroll and a bunch of lawyer!); just in case
there has been any changes since they last looked at it??


It'll be OK when at some undetermined point in time (how long did RDA
take?), some undetermined solution is put in place? 


Sorry to rant.


From: Resource Description and Access / Resource Description and Access
[mailto:RDA-L@LISTSERV.LAC-BAC.GC.CA] On Behalf Of James Weinheimer
Sent: 27 July 2013 14:59
Subject: Re: [RDA-L] ] The "A" in RDA


On 26/07/2013 22:10, JSC Chair wrote:

Taking the bigger view is precisely what RDA will help us do - stop focusing
on creating "records" and see how the resources we are describing fit into
the bibliographic universe.  We are living with lots of MARC limitations for
now, but the data built using RDA will be especially useful when we can move
beyond MARC.  It is still usable in MARC just as "records" created with
AAACR2 were useful in MARC, and RDA can even be used to create catalog card
records, if that is your limited environment for now, but we want to look
beyond the current limitations of just building a catalog to re-use of
bibliographic data in the broader information community - to enable
libraries to interact better in that larger realm where our users are - to
connect users to the rich resources and related resources we have to offer
and beyond. - Barbara Tillett

JSC Chair 


The idea that the problem is with "records" and that things will get better
once they are discombobulated into various bits of data is a theory that has
never been demonstrated. It also goes against reason: why should a separate
bit of information such as <Paging>300</Paging> or <Title>Poems</Title> make
such a big difference? On their own, these little bits and pieces of
information are completely meaningless and they must be brought together
again--or "recombobulated"--if anything is to make sense.
(http://s3-media2.ak.yelpcdn.com/bphoto/Ao1Tpjx5r0ZFwHDZHb49Pg/l.jpg. This
area apparently really exists at the airport in Milwaukee. I love it!) 

The fact is: catalogs currently do not have "records" as such, because in
any catalog based on an RDBMS, everything is already discombobulated into
separate tables for headings, language codes, perhaps dates and all sorts of
things. Internally, each catalog may separate the information in different
ways. Anyway, there is *nothing at all new* about getting rid of the
"record"--it's been the case for decades. When a searcher of the catalog
sees a record, these bits and pieces are brought together, and the human
experiences the same thing as a "record", although it can be displayed
completely, partially, or it could be in many, many unique and novel ways.

I think the argument has confused database structure with data transfer. For
instance, I can't imagine anybody wanting just the <Paging> information or
the <SubjectChronologicalSubdivision> without a lot of the rest of the
record so that the final product will be coherent and useful. And internal
database structure will continue to vary as tremendously as it does now no
matter what library formats become.

In my opinion, these are side issues and the fundamental question is: *if*
there arrives the FRBR universe that is fragmented into little bits of atoms
based on works/expressions/manifestations/items, I wonder who will own what?
We have already had serious issues of who owns which records, so if there
are work "instances", or as BIBFRAME seems to be leaning toward
"work-expression instances", I wonder who will own those work-expression
instances? Without that information (in essence the headings but other info
as well, such as language and maybe dates, etc.) the manifestation records
lose the majority of their value. 

Will those work-expression instances be placed into the public domain? If
not, it would be like within the internal structures of your own library's
catalog, you suddenly didn't own the information in your subject tables or
the personal names in your names tables.

Or will "work-expression instances" be owned by some agency? And if they are
owned, who will they be and how much will they charge?

I think that's a pretty important issue to settle.

James Weinheimer weinheimer.ji...@gmail.com
First Thus http://catalogingmatters.blogspot.com/
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