Mac Elrod wrote:

> If the item says "Large print edition" seems to me that belongs in
> 250, just as you indicated for "Abridged edition".  Field 340 is far
> too late for identification of the resource.

Yes, it would still be appropriate to record "Large print edition" as an 
edition statement, *if* that's what appeared on the resource.

But field 340 would be where you would record the font size itself as a 
descriptive aspect.

The edition statement, and the fact that the book is in large print, are two 
different things, and they get recorded two different ways.  Just like the 
statement of responsibility, which gets recorded in 245 $c, is a different 
thing from the authorized access point for the creator, which goes into 100.

Kevin M. Randall
Principal Serials Cataloger
Northwestern University Library
(847) 491-2939

Proudly wearing the sensible shoes since 1978!

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